52: temptations

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Eleven months later

"When did you bite off your tongue, sire?"

Lucien closed his eyes, smiling slightly. "When I was in Shahark. Because they wouldn't let me die."

"It must've been painful."

The scent of roses had lingered with him long after Estel had departed from Aesna.

He'd scrubbed the floors of his chambers, submerged himself in bath water, put on incense, and still the smell had stayed with him.

Just hearing her voice made the smell go away.

"No one is on my side, Thalia."

"I am, sire. I'm on your side."

Chuckling, Lucien turned over on one side. "What a sweet lie."

A hand stroked his hair. Such unbelievable gentleness. "I never lie to you."

Feeling the hand, hotness welled up to his throat.

"If I move a little to get closer to your touch...or open my eyes- I know you will go away. I will not beg for more of you. So please just stay a little longer."

A soft laugh came, followed by a light brush of lips against his cheek.

"Sire. I want to be with you."

Closing his eyes tighter, Lucien shook his head.

"You can have Karlieus. Hate me freely. Seek revenge on me. It matters not. I don't deserve your love."

Lucien flinched, feeling fingers gently comb through his hair. "Sire."


"How mistaken you are." Her voice was so sweet, like lullaby. "You do not deserve even my hate."

Without warning, something cold splashed across his face. Gasping, Lucien snapped open his eyes.

Standing before him was Dehan, a bucket in his hands. Blinking water off his eyes, Lucien raised himself to a sitting position.

Right. He was in the temple. What used to be Yhun's temple.

Lucien took in his surroundings slowly as if it was his first time. Incense sticks were scattered around him, peppered with bits of ash and scorched paper.

Around Lucien and Dehan were ice cubes and pools of water from the bucket.

He was lying on the open pavilion in his training clothes, his sword and cane beside him.

With the bucket between his armpits, Dehan started hand-signing, sighing occasionally.

Do I really need to wake you up every time like this? It's winter now.

"I cannot awake otherwise." Wiping his face with a handkerchief Dehan handed him, Lucien grinned.

How realistic were the hallucinations this time?

Dehan's face crumpled slightly as he pointed to the incense sticks.

"Very good." Painfully vivid. "And your sister. Is she better?"

Much, thanks to you. She can almost run about now like she used to. Dehan grinned. She cannot believe her savior is the same person as the king she's been hearing about-

His grin fading, Dehan quickly squatted to pick the ice cubes back into the bucket.

"Hey, hey." Getting on his knees and picking up some of the ice cubes, Lucien nudged Dehan. "Don't you start behaving like...the others. I only have you and Matia."

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