Chapter 21

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Webby POV

It felt as though my heart had shattered all over the floor. We were stuck, for who knew how long. All because I wanted an adventure.


Luz was the only one with a key back home. But, we didn’t know where she was right now.

That was when I heard a bone chilling voice.

A creepy man appeared, who I could only assume was Belos. “That was… touching.” He snickered.

“Knock it off!” Someone from the front shouted. I looked at the person closer and realized that it was Luz! But, she looked super different.

“Or what, human? You want me to finish you off once and for all this time?” He joked.

Instantly, the entire group launched at him, myself included.

We were all fighting him with everything we had, but it was no use, he was just too strong.

At some point, I found myself working alongside Luz, who gave me a fanged grin.

Luz handed me the key. “Here, take this. Go home and tell your family that-” Luz was cut off by a loud shriek from Belos.

“No one is going anywhere!” He retorted and before anyone could react, he threw the key on the ground and stomped on it.

“NO!” I felt myself yell and immediately was on the ground, frantically trying to fix it.

It was pointless though.

It was done.

And before Belos could do anything else, some kid in purple pajamas let out a battle cry and suddenly Belos slumped to the ground, dead.

We all breathed heavily, wondering what came next.

One thing was clear though.

Me and Louie wouldn’t be going home anytime soon.

That is… if we were ever getting home.

Louie POV

The only thing that had registered in my mind was that Belos had broken the key...

Our only way home.

I raced to find Webby in a shocked state and she turned to face me, then broke down in tears.

I gave her a hug and didn’t even bother trying to comfort her, I knew for a fact that nothing would ever be okay again.

“All of them… we’ll never see them again…” She whimpered.

I just shook my head sadly.

“We never even said goodbye…” She whispered.

Just then, a blonde haired kid came over to us.

“Hey guys… I know that you probably want nothing to do with us right now… but you’re always welcome at the Owl House.” The kid offered. “Oh, I’m Hunter by the way.”

I looked at Hunter for a second before responding. “I’m Louie, she’s Webby.” I replied blandly.

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