Chapter 2

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Huey POV

Okay, so to be honest, I really didn’t want to talk to Violet, because y’know, she’s kinda dating Louie now.

But, I also knew what she was feeling. Being so close with someone one minute before suddenly they’re snatched out of your grasp.

I walked back over to everyone, who was circled around Violet, who was decoding the language. She was humming while she worked and seemed to be ignoring everyone as they gasped every single time she decoded a word. I sat down next to her and hoped she wouldn’t get upset with me this time.

“Hey, you doing okay?” I whispered and gestured towards all the people around her.

“No, I need a break from them all.” She sighed, clearly annoyed.

I hesitantly held out my hand for her to grab, after a second or two of me considering she wouldn’t take it, she took it. We both stood up and Violet just told them all she needed some fresh air. We both let go of each other's hands after a few seconds. We were walking down some hallway with open doors, thanks to Dewey.

“Look, I know you probably don’t want to talk to me right now, but I know how it feels to have someone you care about so much to be snatched right out of your grasp like that.” I said, my voice echoing down the empty hallway.

She looked over at me and seemed to be debating whether or not she should respond to that.

“It’s not just that. It’s the fact that we had something new between us. Something beautiful, something that gave me hope that this world wasn’t so horrible. But that one thing got taken away from me. Louie didn’t deserve to be taken. The whole situation was unfair.” Violet responded blankly, fiddling with Dippers book that she had accidentally brought with.

“Yeah, it really was.” I agreed. I had this strong feeling in my gut and I knew I had to push it down otherwise I’d end up doing something stupid. “Look, I really think you should go, like right now.” I told her.

Panic filled her eyes. “Bill?”

“Violet, just please listen to me.” I urged her.

“I’m not just going to leave you here while Bill-” I pinned her to a wall and kissed her.

I was so screwed.

Dewey POV

“Webs! Over here!” I called, laughing my head off.

“Dewey?” Her voice echoed. “AHA!” She tackled me to the ground when she finally found me.

We were in one of those rooms full of mirrors, so it was really hard to figure out where one another was.

“Gotcha!” She beamed as she had me pinned to the ground.

“How are you so good at this game?” I asked in awe.

“Granny.” She chuckled. She stood up and held out her hand and pulled me up. “C’mon let’s go back to the others, I’m sure they all need us right now.”

Suddenly I looked into the mirror and it cracked. I looked over at Webby and her eyes had become black.

I screamed. I was racing out of that room as fast as my legs could take me. Suddenly I heard that insane laugh and I knew that I was done for. All the mirrors in the room started breaking, shards falling onto me and causing me to bleed.

“No no no.” I muttered to myself. “Please…”

“DEWEY!” Webby shouted suddenly and was shaking me aggressively. I snapped out of it and suddenly hugged her. “What happened? I noticed you just started having some kind of a panic attack or something and you just became unresponsive.”

“Bill’s messing with me, we’ve got to get back to the others before he starts doing something to Huey or Dipper.” I told her and grabbed her hand and started leading the way outside of the mirror room, wincing every time I saw my face in one. “This mission’s going to be a lot harder than I thought.” I mumbled aloud.

“You can definitely say that again.” Webby sighed. “It’s like we can never get a moment of peace here.”

“It was all just so much easier when Louie was here.”

“He always knew what to do, and when to do it.” Suddenly I felt my earpiece start to buzz.

“Hello?” A voice said on the other line.

“Why do you still have that in Dewey? Everyone else took theirs out.” Webby said.

“Dewey? Webby? Is that you guys?”

“Who is this?” I asked, confused.

“It’s Louie.”

Violet POV

I immediately pushed Huey off me.

“Huey what the duck?!” I shouted.

Tears sprung into his eyes. “Look, I’m sorry, okay?! I warned you!”

“That doesn’t make it any better!” I yelled back, a mixture of confusion and disgust. “Pull yourself together, Louie and I are dating.”

“And that’s what makes this whole thing so much worse.” Huey mumbled.


“Louie had the choice of literally any other girl in town. All the ducks in town adore him. But me, I had no one. That was until you came along. You were the first girl who like, actually acknowledged my presence. But then Louie took you too.” Huey explained scornfully.

“Grow up Huey! Jeez. You act as if that’s the worst thing that has ever happened to you.” I scoffed.

“Maybe it is.” Huey whispered to himself, his eyes full of sorrow and regret.

I just shook my head and walked away, leaving Huey alone in that empty hallway. I noticed that I still had Dipper’s book and the translation of the text. That’s when I got a really stupid idea…

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