Forget Your Regrets (Part 5/5)

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Red pressed something on the wall that looked like a light switch, and the door slowly closed again.

Green and Blue stood awkwardly in the corner as Red walked back over to the site of disaster and began picking up the fallen equipment. 

As he worked, he looked back over at Blue and Green, who were still waiting.

"What did you want?" Red said with a hint of annoyance. Blue looked back at Green hesitantly, but he seemed to be completely zoning out. 

At this point, Blue couldn't tell if Green was still paying attention or not, due to his eyes moving all over the place.

Blue decided that he wouldn't wait for Green, he would get answers himself if he needed to.

 He walked closer to where Red was working, careful not to knock over any of the equipment.

"I was just wondering about something..." Blue started, and Red looked at him quizzically.

"Do you remember...what it was like before?" Blue asked, suddenly not quite sure about how to put his questions to words.

Red paused for a moment, pondering.

"Before...before what, exactly?" Red asked, stopping his work for a moment to regard the question.

Blue was silent for a couple moments, trying to find the easiest way to put it.

"You know...before we were all alone here. There was something else before this, right?" Blue asked, but he knew that it was entirely possible the scientist didn't know.

Red turned back around to continue cleaning up. "Blue, I think you're confused, we've always been here. There was no 'before'." He said, starting to walk away again.

Blue wanted to believe him, but he had a couple more questions to ask first. 

"But then how were we created? Do we have parents? Are we all siblings?" Blue asked. 

He didn't want to burden Red with the same questions that he often had, but knew that if anyone would have answers, it would be Red.

Red didn't even look up at Blue this time as he picked up a piece of equipment and started tweaking it. 

"Blue, I don't remember how we were created, but I do know that there were...others, once."

Blue froze at the word 'others.' 

"So we weren't alone?" Blue asked, prompting Red to tell him more.

Red pulled out a tool from a drawer and started using it to continue tweaking with the small machine. 

"No Blue, we weren't alone. But wherever they are now, they aren't coming back." Red said, sounding confident.

Blue felt a surge of disappointment well up inside of him upon hearing that. 

"But who are 'they?' Please stop being so cryptic Red." Said Blue, even hearing the desperation in his own voice.

Red didn't answer, but his hand movements slowed down, indicating that he was thinking of an answer.

"Who were they?" Blue asked again, more frantically. By now, he was afraid of what the answer may be. 

Red didn't answer, simply working on the gadget, lost in thought. While Blue waited for him to answer, he looked back over at Green, who he had almost forgotten had been there.

Green was still standing in the corner, his arms wrapped around himself. 

Blue could tell that the Green monster was listening to the conservation because of his eyes, which had stopped darting around wildly and were now just staring off in their general direction.

Red sighed after a while, it seemed like he didn't want to answer the question, which Blue thought was a little bit suspicious. 

He still understood that Red probably didn't know, but he couldn't help the doubt that crept in.

After what was beginning to feel like an eternity, Red turned around to face Blue. 

"I think it's about time that you left Blue. I have a lot of work to do here, and Green is getting restless." He looked past Blue to stare at Green, who was now starting to fidget and even wave his arms a little bit.

Blue stammered for a moment, surprised. "But you didn't answer my question!" Blue protested. 

Red ignored his comment as he walked over to the door and pushed the button, opening the door.

Green visibly deflated when he heard Red say that, he stopped waving his arms and frowned, concerned. 

Blue trudged over to the door, grabbing Green's hand on his way over, and led him out of the laboratory.

Blue glared at Red with his one eye as the scientist pushed the button again and the door closed on them, locking them out again. Blue crossed his arms angrily and glared at the door for a few long moments.

Green let out a soft sigh, seeming disappointed. 

"So that happened." Green said, letting his arms fall onto the ground limply.

Blue turned to look at Green, trying to push down the anger for a moment, even though he was mad about how Red had just treated them.

"And I never got to ask about his experiments either." Blue said, ignoring the surprised look Green gave him.

"What?" Green asked, not understanding. Then Blue realized that he had forgotten to tell his blind friend about how Purple claimed the scientist had been up to no good.

"Oh, I guess you weren't there. I just wanted to know what he was doing." Blue said, trying not to concern his friend. He didn't want to burden him with the extra information.

Blue decided that he wasn't going to focus on that, and instead decided to focus on the new information that he had received. 

So he had been correct, the Rainbow Friends had a purpose before. They had friends, once.

It wasn't much to work with, but maybe he could keep working to find out the truth, he had a lot of time to do so after all.

He began walking away, with Green following behind him. 

Blue knew that this couldn't stay a secret forever, and he would find a way to uncover the truth.

Something was amiss, and it may have been related to the very reason that the Rainbow Friends themselves existed, so Blue was determined to find out what it may be. Even if it cost him his other eye, he would find out.

It was only a matter of time.


And that wraps up the second part of the story!

Stick around because things are starting to get interesting from here on out!

To those still reading, I want you to know that it means so much to me that you're reading this, even if it's just skimming it.

It makes me happy to know that people may be enjoying this, even if it's just for a couple minutes every other day.

Next Chapter: Schemes and Screams (Part 1/5)

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