Chap. 104

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"Why did you guys pick lavender for the color of your living room?" Emma asked while Whitney handed her a paint brush. She got here a few minutes ago and her shirt was already had lavender sloshes of paint on it Claire and Whitney has already arranged a few things in the living room and half the room was already painted "Well Whitney let me pick the color of the living room. And I agreed to let her choice the colors of the kitchen" Claire said while sitting a lamp on the table. Emma's eyes glance over to the kitchen the cabinets where a dark earthy green with gold handles the counter tops where white with black appliances. Although Whitney and Claire's choice two different colors the color went well together "How are you guy's liking living together on campus so far?" Niki asked while moving a few decorations things around the room on side tables blonde hair pulled up in a messy bun somehow still looking like a fashion model. While the conversation continues Emma begins painting the wall zoning out the conversation mind drifting back to the knife she found outside her house yesterday. She couldn't wrap her mind around how it got out there when she got back inside her parents had already cleaned everything up and where already getting ready for bed she didn't want to bother them with anything. So she just ended up just putting the knife into the drawer and heading to bed but before she went to bed she sent a text to Ms. O'Connor saying she found it outside her house. After all it may be nothing she may just have been overwhelmed by what just happened with Reina or overreacting but it could definitely be something dangerous so she wanted to be better safe then sorry and just sent her a text. Niki loudly stretching snaps her out of the trance she didn't even know how long she had been in "I'm gonna go grab a snack from the vending machine in the hallway do you guys want anything?" she look back while walking to the door. Everyone begans saying the snacks they wanted and Niki nods heading out the door "Emma are you ok?" Whitney asked sitting the paint brush back into the bucket along with Emma. They finally finished painting the walls they both sit on the old couch while Claire walked into the kitchen to get a bottle of water "Why do you ask that?" she asked with a sigh leaning her face against her hand. Whitney raised a brow snickering as Claire walks back into the living room sitting on the floor taking a sip from the bottle "Because you seem out of it today" Whitney said while leaning back Claire nods agreeing with Whitney "Is it your parents or something?" Claire asked sounding concerned Emma shakes her head quickly. She didn't want to tell them about all the drama going on in her life right now it would worry them and they had enough to worry about they just started college with full schedules between work and classes. She was about to respond when Niki walked back through the door grinning holding a few bags of chips "Guess who just got a hot college guys number" she used one hand to wave the piece of paper with the number around. Claire laughs softly behind her hand while Niki dances around "You, but thats not surprising" Whitney said while laughing shaking her head "Well this may surprise you, guess who also got invited to a college party tonight?!" Emma's eyes widen slightly as Niki begins tossing the chips to them. She plops on the floor beside Claire while opening her chips "So are you going?" Claire asked taking the conversation away from Emma. Which she honestly couldn't have been more happy for "Only if I have my girls with me...." she looks over at Emma who was trying to make herself look as small as possible "All my girls, Emma that means you to" she grins while crossing her arms. Claire grins looking up at her as she sits the bottle on the table between them "Soooo are you gonna come?" Niki leans her elbow on the table watching Emma's uneasy expression with a smile.

Mia note- Are you guys party people? personally I am not lol

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