Chap. 102

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"Come on Emma this is the last question" Reina said leaning her head against her hand while Emma let out a sigh beside her looking at the note sheet on the table. They where sitting at Emma kitchen table studying math together. They have been in this same position for at least 2 hours first to try to finish their math homework and now they where studying different math problems the worst part was homework was literally one page. Her parents weren't home so they thought working in the kitchen would be the best place to work. This was their third study session together since the teacher set her up as Emma's tutor and surprisingly it hasn't be completely awful. Reina wasn't being a totally nightmare to work with and she was actually really good at math. Reina picks up her pen and sits a piece of paper down "Look all we're doing is Proving that the 3x+1 conjecture is true. I'll explain again start with any positive real number, x. If the number is even, divide by 2. Otherwise multiply by 3 and add 1 it is obvious that any power of 2 will converge to 1, so let’s skip those. Start with 3. That’s odd, so take 9 +1 = 10. 10 divide by 2 = 5, 5 x 3 = 8 + 1 = 9, 9 x 3 = 12 + 1 = 13, 13 x 3 = 39 + 1 = 40 so the answer is 40 is even" she said with a smile pointing to the paper Emma just stared at her completely lost. It was if she was speaking some unknown language or something "Divide by 2 = 20 of course 20 is even; divide by 2 = 10 and 10 is even; divide by 2 = 5, 5 x 3 = 15 + 1 = 16,16 is even, so…8421 and there yah go we get 1" she explains while writing it all down. She looked up from the paper at Emma's confused face laughing softly "Lost you again didn't I?" she asked scratching the top of her head Emma simply nods her head. Reina slides the paper in front of Emma "Yah I get that alot when I explain math to people. Don't worry you'll get it everything takes time" she picks up her tumbler bottle taking a sip. Emma looks at the paper before looking towards her "Why are you suddenly being so nice to me Reina?" It's a question that's been on her mind since Reina offered to help her and she just couldn't let it go "Really what's the real reason...?" Reina swallows a big gulp of water before sitting the tumbler down. She plays with the top of the bottle as she turned to face Emma "...Can't I help an old friend?" Emma lets out a snort looking away while crossing her arms "That's not your style...your more of the abandoning type" Reina pressed her lips while nods slowly. She lets out a fake laugh hanging her head whispering "That's fair...I guess moving a week before catching my mother cheating on my dad in their bedroom and telling my father just for him to kick her out and for him to become an alcoholic can do that to some kids" Emma quickly snap her eyes back to she suprised. She slowly lefts her head to meet Emma's eyes Emma stares in her watery eyes a minute speechless shocked by her sudden speech she never knew all those things happened to Reina back then. At the time Reina would have only been around 7 or 8 that's a traumatic thing for a kid to go through. If she known back then she would have been there for her but when they met again after summer Reina had completely cut her out. And though she felt bad for her it didn't change the fact that... "I still didn't deserve the way you treated me" Emma whispered not able to keep quiet anymore. All these years Emma held back how she felt and acted like there friendship never existed because Reina made it clear she didn't want Emma's. She never said a word to anyone about their past, never told her secrets or tried to spend lies while Reina just did anything and everything to push her away. And honestly Emma has had enough she was determined to get this off her chest now. Reina bit her lip looking down holding a hand to her chest like the words physically hit her "If you didn't cut me out I would have been there for you like I always was but you cut me out of your life and I WAS YOUR BEST FUCK FRIEND!?" Emma yells almost in disbelief while standing abruptly. The room falls into a thick silence Emma was practically shaking from the emotion. While Reina kept her eyes glued to the ground suddenly the front door opens Emma turns seeing her parents walking into the kitchen. Her parents look between them "Are we interpreting something?" her mother asked while sitting her files on the counter her father takes off his jacket hanging it up. Swallowing Emma glanced at Reina who was looking over at her parents "No...nothing at all she was just leaving" Reina snaps hers watery eyed towards her Emma just clinched and unclinched her fists "Now don't be rude Emma if this is a friend of yours she could stay for about it dear would you stay for dinner?" her mother asked before taking off her own jacket. Emma glared at Reina as if telling her to not dare say yes she wanted her out of her house and life this minute "I....I..would love to stay for dinner" Emma looks at her like she crazy her father smile before making his way upstairs to prepare for dinner "Why the hell would you say that?" she said rather bluntly unable to hold back. Her mother glare at her a moment wanting to scold her but she was working on being or lenient so she just said "I'll change quickly and come back down to start dinner It will be ready in a few minutes. So go ahead and continue what your doing" before walking upstairs heels tapping along the way. Emma falls back into her seat crossing her arms tightly "Well I was expecting your mother to chew your head off for cussing at least she would have when we where kids" Emma glared over at her before pushing her chair back under the table "Time changes people you should know that better then anyone" she whispered before picking up the pen. Reina sighs not having a response Emma clicks the pen on the table  "Why didn't you just leave? why are you going to stay for dinner?" she asked drawings random swirls on the paper "I want to change Emma..." Reina whispered looking over at her "Why because you have no friends and was kicked of your cheer team" she said harshly looking at Reina with a bitter smile. It makes Reina flinch before shaking her head "No for her..." she said looking down rubbing her stomach making Emma's eyes widen "I want to be better for her...I want to be a better person...a better role model for her then my whore of a mother was. I just....want to be better Emma" what Reina said leaves Emma completely speechless. She didn't know if Reina was being serious of just messing searchingfor sympathy. All she can do is watch as a stray tear stream down Reina's tan cheeks.

Mia note- Would you forgive Reina? Do you think Emma's being harsh? 🤔

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