Chap. 99

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"You where the last person I slept with before I found out?!" So apparently her and Blake's relationship wasn't the only thing that developed over this summer. Emma thought while stopping at her locker between classes she had just finished opening the locker as she heard Reina yelling from down the hall. Emma turn her head watching Reina point a finger at Chan's chest "I tried to call and text you after I found out and you completely ghosted me! For fucking real Chan?!" he pushed her hand out of the way whispering something. What ever he said made Reina even madder making him take a step back "I will not calm down and the reason I'm confronting you here at school is because this is the only place I knew you had to actually show up to. I tried to come to your house but you wouldn't even open the door for me I'm pregnant and your acting like you don't give a fuck!" Emma's eyes widened while putting her books into her locker. Sure she hated Reina but she wasn't heartless to hear that Reina was pregnant was somewhat surprising. At the point a small crowd of students had formed around them laughing and recording everything. Chan was a fucked up individual because all he did was grin and shrug at her "How can you be sure I'm the one that got you pregnant aren't you fucking half the football team?" she opened and closed her mouth obviously speechless while his teammates laugh behind him patting him on the back. Like anything he just said was what important to anyone the crowd begins to erupt with laughter. Emma swallows hard watching tears roll out Reina red eyes she's never seen Reina cry even when they where kids growing up, she never cried. Sure she didn't like Reina but this was to much know one deserved this, to be publicly humiliated this way. It takes two people to get someone pregnant after all slut shaming was fucked up at the beginning of the year. Emma slams her locker closed books close to her chest she wanted to say something to make this end now. But just as she turns about to walk towards the crowd she stops a moment once she remembers all the shit Reina put her through. She wasn't welling to put herself directly on the line for someone like Reina. Licking her lips she turns and walks the opposite direction into a near by open classroom. She sees a teacher sitting at her desk she looks up noticing Emma "Help! this guy hit a female student in the hallway. People are even recording please hurry!" Emma said in a rushed voice making the teachers eyes widen before standing up rushing out the door. Emma smiles softly following behind her a few feet so she wouldn't get blamed by other students for calling on her to break this up. The teacher makes quick work of marching through the crowd until she's in the center. At this point other teachers have come out confiscated students phones who recorded what happened "What is all this young man?! I heard you hit her" his eyes widen while shaking his head as she turns her head to look down at a crying Reina "Did he hit you?" Reina wips her eyes while looking around at the crowd. The crowd starts to be dispersed by teachers a few feet away Reina's and Emma's eyes meet she looks at Emma curiously. Emma clinches her books to her chest while nodding slightly like it was some secret conversation between the two of them "Yes" Reina whispered weakly before meeting the teachers eyes. Chan glares at Reina hard "You lier I didn't fucking hit you!" he yelled full of rage the teacher faced him "We'll just see about that. I can't believe this is happening on the first day back But I'll be escorting you both you to the principals office now" she said turning leading them to the office just as the bell goes off. Emma turn rushing towards her next class before the late bell Reina turns her head watching Emma rush down the hallway one thought on her mind "Why would she help me?" Reina whispered her thought aloud.

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