my silly little bag

7 2 4

I walk down the hall.

Wearing my silly little sweater,

Carrying my silly little bag.

It swings back and fourth like a pendulum.

I know the clock is ticking but I take my time walking to my class.

Swinging my silly little bag.

With a silly little grin on my face.

I do not know where I'll be soon but for now I'll continue to walk down the silly little hall. With my silly little bag, and a silly little grin on my face.

Because someday, my silly little bag will become old and worn.

This silly little hall will be torn down and replaced by a not so silly hall.

My silly sweater will become old and ragged.

I cannot use an old and worn bag.

It will drop all my things.

I can't wear a ragged and ripped sweater forever.

How will it keep me warm?

And one day,

I won't be able to walk my silly little hall anymore.


Word count- 146

Published December 12, 2023

this one's a bit silly.

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