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They engulf my heart, feeling like a pool of warmth that will hold me tight.

But if they feel so good, why are the edges cutting me like broken glass?

My heart is held together but the shards stick out cutting my useless lungs that won't inhale.

I wrap my arms around the shards anyway but they cut deep into my skin, invisible blood flowing down my skeleton.

If they can't hurt me, why does my chest squeeze like someones crushed me in a deadly hug?

Memories dance in circles around my brain, taunting me with all the colors they possess.

I want to reach out and grab hold of one,

They brighten up my world a bit,

until I remember

the edges cut like glass.

I cry out as my cuts stream and drip everywhere tainting my grey world.

My cuts stream laughter, happiness, joy, in a puddle around me that grows.

My festering wound laughs and I desperately hug the memories tighter.

If I hold them tight enough maybe one of the edges wont cut so deep,

Maybe one of them will be rounded and make me feel something again,

Maybe one of them will make me feel like a child again,

And maybe that child won't be holding a mirror.

She'll be holding a teddy bear.


Word count- 202

Published January 22, 2024

did i drive you away?Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon