words that went unsaid

15 4 10

Why they were close could never be understood.

Was there an invisible string connecting them that went through their otherwise broken hearts?

Did it wrap around their broken pieces as if it could hold everything together until the string itself broke and became part of the mess that they now hoarded like it could fix everything in the future?

If the pieces were all there, surely it could be fixed.

Their hollow laughs matched as their dead eyes looked at one another that seemed to say more than words could ever.

What connected them?

Was it the inexplicable urge to be understood?

To have someone understand what it was like to feel so alone that you felt like you were the only person to ever walk the earth?

Their eyes would connect and for a minute everything stopped.

The silence inside their heads screaming at them even quieted.

Nobody had anything left to say.

Words couldn't explain what they had to say.

But it was okay because they knew.

I knew what you had to say,

and you knew what I had too.


I dunno if anyone actually reads these short stories but pls tell me if they suck or not 💀💀💀

Word count- 169

Published: October 27, 2023

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