my invisible shiny red balloon.

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My invisible shiny red balloon.

I carry around my past on a thin invisible string with a bright red shiny balloon.

I can't let go of it.

The string of the balloon tied around my wrist is knotted so tight that it is permanent on my wrist.

It can't be let go now.

Who am I if I don't look at my shiny red balloon every day?

Everyday I look at the balloon and see my eyes reflecting its color but each day it gets dimmer and dimmer.

I don't want it to fade away.

It's my shiny red balloon. 

What am I without?

I see a bright red balloon attached to my wrist.

They see a girl who can't let go of the past.


Word count-115

Published- November 13, 2023

Idk if these r good or not. or are just super cringe to read. LOL.

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