A Simple.. Breakfast

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After.. A few hours probably? Who knows.... Sun woke up, realizing he's in his room, in his bed.. It all felt.. Confusing, disorienting rather say.. And trying to understand what happened seems even more challenging, holding their own head a bit as they were thinking. His head had gauze put on the spot where he banged his head on... Moon was on the ground, kneeled next to the bed and staring at Sun…
Sun looked at Moon, trying to spot if it was actually real or not.
Is it real?
Is it fake?..
....Why is his mind playing tricks on him?

….Moon just stared… A while longer... Until footsteps outside brought his attention towards it. Now just staring at the door. It caught Sun's attention as well.
Is it Eclipse?
The door opened… Of course, Moon didn’t move.. Just staring at it…
“ Good morning, Sunshine.. “ Eclipse opened the door enough to see him but not a lot. He didn’t react to Moon..
“ Morning.. ” Sun murmured as response, the smell of food is coming from the kitchen.. I think that sets off how hungry Sun feels right now… His stomach now hurting a bit in hunger... But.....
Why now?
“ Breakfast? “ Eclipse asked, tilting his head to the side.. Sun simply nodded. Eclipse nodded out to the hallway, leaving the door open and walking away… Assuming he’s not gonna carry him out or something this time around.. Wait-
Moon's gone now?
Didn't even notice that..
Sun would look where Moon used to be.. Oh he surely went insane... And that's not good.. Even though, he did get out of bed, heading towards the kitchen.

On the table was a meal. Pancakes, eggs, sausage and bacon on a plate, a couple of toppings on the pancakes. Adding to that, there were biscuits- Eclipse stood, putting stuff on his own plate before sitting down at the table…...

It's... Disturbing how many eyes were on the walls… But... Looking directly at them made them go away…

Noticing the eyes presence, in which it made a shiver run up Sun's spine in disturbance...
Why was there so many?
Why are they even there?....
Maybe- Maybe he shouldn't focus on that-..
It's just his mind playing tricks!
Just his mind.. Nothing else..
Just his mind messing with him...
It's not real....
It can't be real.......
He's just... going insane.... That's all..

Sun went to sit down on his chair, as he took some food and began eating.

Don't. What if it's poisoned? What if it's poisoned? What if it's poisoned?

Eclipse ate his food...
Honestly, the food was good, as always… Cinnamon, it tastes like cinnamon. Something in the back of Sun's head just screamed that it's bad.... But nothing was felt... Besides his hunger going away while he ate.

The thought of it being poisoned bothered him, awfully..
He didn't wanted to feel like that again... But he feels so hungry....
He needs to eat...
The hunger hurts him..
He hates it.
He has to eat.
But he'll maybe get poisoned...
He doesn't want to get poisoned again..
The cinnamon brings the memories back and he hates it.
But he has no choice..
Either he eats it..... Or suffer from starvation...

So he continued eating, until he was done..
And thankfully...
It was not poisoned. And the hunger was gone..
Two good things... I suppose....

...Good... Good....
He doesn't have to go through it again... At least- Not yet?...
Eclipse may do something again..
Or he'll let Sun pick again?....
...Who knows...
But where's Moon?
He wants to see his brother.....
....His lovely brother....
He dearly loves his brother....
Why isn't he here?....
Why isn't he trying to find him?....
.....Or help him?.....
Is he truly all alone?....
Just with Eclipse?...
...That's an AWFUL thought.
He didn't like it... He didn't like it all!
He can't be all alone just with Eclipse!
This must be a horrible nightmare!
Just another nightmare!
Maybe he'll wake up if he DAMAGES himself more!
Because pain wakes you up, right?

Moon's in the corner of the room behind Eclipse….
Speaking of, Eclipse finished his food as well, picking up his and Sun’s and putting them in the sink.

Sun was staring at Moon...
Why is he appearing out of nowhere?...
He's just.... Staying there....
And doing nothing other than watching....
...Is he going to watch his own brother get tortured too?....
He doesn't like the thought of it.
But- But that isn't Moon!
It isn't!
It's in HIS mind, it's NOT real.
It's FAKE, it's in HIS MIND.
He shouldn't feel like it is real.
It isn't real, it isn't real, it isn't real, it isn't real

Why is this happening...
Why is Eclipse doing this again?....
Is he because he misbehaved?....
Can't be...
He done it before when he did ABSOLUTELY NOTHING.
Does he feed off from his suffering?...
He doesn't like this either way..
Everything's fake.
He has to wake up.
Wake up
Wake up
Wake up
Wake up, wake up, wake up, wake up, wake up,  wake up, wake up, wake up, wake up, wake up, wake up, wake up,  wake up, wake up, wake up, wake up, wake up, wake up, wake up,  wake up, wake up, wake up, wake up, wake up, wake up, wake up,  wake up, wake up, wake up, wake up, wake up, wake up, wake up,  wake up, wake up, wake up, wake up, wake up, wake up,  wake up, wake up, wake up, wake up, wake up, wake up, wake up,  wake up, wake up, wake up, wake up, wake up, wake up

Eclipse kissed Sun’s head, heading off into the living room…
...Moon's gone...
Sun blinked a few times, still sitting down at the table.

....What's going on with his head?...
Why is this happening...
He can't think straight....
He can't think of a way out....
It doesn't make sense.
Eclipse is going to go back torturing him.
He wants out...
He wants to run away...
But a part of him says to stay here and accept it..
It's weird.
Why is his body acting like this?..

He sat there for a while longer, before getting up and going in his room.
Maybe he can do something?.... To distract himself that is...
Eclipse is probably going to leave him alone for a while again. Perhaps he can recollect his thoughts again...
He needs focus.
He can't be seeing things.
They're not real.
They're not real.
They're not real...
It must-....
He is actually going insane....
The thing Sun hoped it won't ever happen....
At least not so soon...
He is going insane....
He'll COMPLETELY lose it soon....
This is not right.
This shouldn't be happening!

He just walked in his room, standing there.

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