The Escape

426 15 14

Since now Sun has the keys, his time, he won't do the same mistake he done before.. Not checking the goddamn drawers..

Sun went to check through the locked drawers. Checking through them, all of them had.. Disturbing.. Things inside them… One of them, underneath a couple of bloody things, were numbers, along with the words.. In Sun’s handwriting: Remember.
The numbers were 3733366
Perhaps that was the code for the keypad?.. Now Sun feels dumb for not checking the drawers before clearly was terrified of whatever he saw in those drawers though.. He now went to the front door, bringing a chair along, to unlock the locks again, and put the right numbers in the keypad..

After a long while trying to unlock the locks randomly just by guessing, he put in the numbers he seen in the keypad..
Small click.. And a green light on the pad.. It probably worked.

Sun then opened the door, getting out.. But he forgot to take axe with him.. Perhaps it'll be a mistake in the future..

[Helllooo, the writer here, I apologise for the delay- And the short part once again- But lately, I've been going through some stuffs and I needed to recover mentally, so apologise once again for making you all wait, but do not worry! This story has not ended yet. Sun is still not completely free, so hopefully you all will be patient with me about the next part, and no, I'll not forget, I just need some time, so have a nice day/night and hope you'll enjoy this story and the upcoming parts <3]

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