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Sun was sitting on the edge of his bed keep, holding the axe, thinking to himself.. Eventually a door opened… Not the front door, it came from Eclipse’s bedroom.. Sun remained silent, keeping the axe close to him at first.. The moment Sun’s door knob turned, Sun hid the axe under the bed.. Finally let go of it..

The door opened fully.. “ Sunshine..? “
“ Hm?.. ” Sun looked up at Eclipse in the eyes.. “ Ah… You are.. Just checking on you, love… “ Eclipse walked into the room, closing the door behind him and sitting down on Sun’s bed… “ Do they still hurt?.. “
“ I'm.. Alright.. ” Sun slightly stared at the ground.. “ Hm… “ he stared where he was staring, a hand now rubbing Sun’s back lightly, which that made Sun slightly shiver at the touch.. Eclipse hummed lightly.. Sun slightly teared up, though he tried to hide it by looking away or just wiping them away… Eclipse moved Sun closer to him, wrapping an arm around his waist, which made him slightly tremble at the touch.. Well such a nice fear.. He was brought even closer to Eclipse , as he just gave him a kiss on the head.. Making him flinch.. But he didn't say a word though, it probably is obvious that Eclipse wouldn't care if he told him he feels uncomfortable.. And he may just hurt him again if he asks him to stop.. Eclipse brought him even closer, another arm going around Sun’s shoulders.. Sun tensed up slightly, as he felt even more uncomfortable and scared.. His body slightly trembling also.. Yet he still wouldn't dare to speak.. of course, Eclipse didn’t speak either.. So it was just a silent and unpleasant hug… Of which, Eclipse brought Sun closer in.. And Sun felt uncomfortable as hell.. Perhaps he feared the fact Eclipse would 'kill' him again just like that.. Eclipse just held him in the hug… Simply bringing him even closer.. He gave him a few kisses on the head… For someone who just tortured and hurt Sun, he sure was acting all lovey dovey towards him… Sun was trembling in fear.. As he just stood there.. Before finally speaking up..
“ Can you-.. Let go.. Please?.. ” he asked in a quiet voice.. Eclipse squeezed him a bit closer… “ Of course… Though I do wonder before I do… Where is the axe?… I mean, I did leave it out, so it’s my fault that you’ve taken it for yourself… But I would like it back, Sunshine… “ well… there is the second thing that showed what happened was real… Sun remain silent.. Honestly, he didn't want to get rid of the only weapon he has left to defend himself, but if he doesn't give it back.. Eclipse will surely hurt him again..
“ Why.. Do you need it?.. Why.. Did you hurt me?.. ”
“ I won’t do anything now with it… I just can’t let you can’t keep it…. “ he didn’t answer the second question… He kissed him.. Sort of like trying to ‘reassure’ Sun that he’ll be fine for now… “ ..You didn't answer why you hurt me.. and why can't I keep it?.. What you think I'll do with it.. ”
“ We both know why you can’t keep it… We both know what you could do with it.. You know for a fact that I won’t fucking risk it.. “ he, once again, didn’t answer a question… He pulled him a bit closer.. Sun remained silent, as Eclipse ignored his question
“ Eclipse.. Why are your hurting me.. Answer my damn question.. ”. A hand squeezed Sun’s shoulder tightly…
“ Watch you’re fucking tone… I could make up an excuse but I don’t feel like using ‘Because you try and escape’ for all my reasons.. I’m not answering because the honest answer is one you’d dislike a whole lot more than any excuse I can make up… “ he squeezed him just a bit closer... Sun slightly trembled more, realizing he may had accidentally angered Eclipse “ S-Sorry.. I just-.. ” he spoke at a quite tone, looking away slightly “ I just don't understand why your doing this if you say you ʼloveʼ me.. ”
“ Again… You'll hate the honest reason.. I love you.. Truly.. I wouldn’t keep you around or alive if I didn’t… “ he slightly loosened up the squeeze.. Sun remained silent again, kinda doubting a bit.. Though he let it slide for now.. We don't want to anger Eclipse now do we?..

“ ...The axe is under the bed.. ”
Eclipse gave him another kiss on the head.. Letting Sun go to get the axe.. he did slightly flinch at it, as he just stood there, on the bed, as he brought his knees up, slightly hugging em.. Eclipse got up, as he then bent down to get the axe.. Little did he knew.. Sun had something planned..

While Eclipse checked under the bed, something hit Eclipse in the back.. Something sharp.. Well, looks like Sun had the axe, wonder where it was.. Perhaps under the blankets?..

T h u m p

There goes Eclipse.. Now laying on the ground… Unconscious or maybe even dead, it's hard to say as of right now… But there was blood on the ground as well… Sun breathed heavily, did he actually.. Doesn't matter now- He'd get up as he checked for keys..
On Eclipse's hips were the keys.. Quite an easy thing to get.. And now he has the keys acquired..

It's time for another attempt..

Broken Reality.. [SAMS AU] Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora