Another punishment..

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They had eventually got to the house, Eclipse opening the door and then immediately throwing Sun into the place.. Closing the door and starting to lock it… Sun wouldn't stay there, so he immediately got up and tried to find something to defend himself or somewhere he could keep Eclipse away.. The house was- Fucking destroyed- So there were definitely some messed up parts of tables and glass and poles that he could grab and use..

Click, click click..

Well it is the best he could have right now, so he took some of them, as he thinking what to do or where to go.. He should make it quick though.. Because Eclipse is currently locking things as fast as he fucking can- Which is pretty fast cause he’s almost done. Sun then immediately rushed to the hallway, going in the bathroom, and use whatever he can to block the door, as tears still poured down from his eyes, it's safe to say Eclipse is terrifying him. Sun stood there, silently listening, hoping the blockage would be enough to keep Eclipse out.
He heard Eclipse walking around the house, mainly looking around for Sun before trying to open the bathroom door.. “ Sunshine.. Open. The fucking. Door.. “ he banged against it a couple of times.. Sun stood silent, still tearing up and trembling, also having one of the 'weapons'  he gathered ready.. “ I KNOW FOR A FACT THAT I DIDN’T TOUCH THIS FUCKING DOOR! OPEN IT! “ Eclipse hit the door a couple more times… He'd slightly tear up more.. He really hated this, but what can he do?.. He's just stuck in this hell again.. Cornered even.. He'll just have to hope he could hit Eclipse like last time with the axe.. “ You’re really gonna make this harder, huh?… “ it's all that was said before absolute silence...

Sun was trembling, a lot to be fair, as he had a pole ready to whack Eclipse in the head or body, legit anywhere he could've possibly aim.. And IN came the door- Slamming open.. Sun flinched, as he began backing up, terrified as hell.. But why couldn't he hit Eclipse?.. He shouldn't be cowering now.. “ There we go! Problems get fixed and things go my way! “ he started into the room and towards Sun.. Sun took a few more steps back, trembling and tearing up.. Why can't he attack Eclipse?.. Is he that scared?.. No.. Couldn't be.. He done it before! Why can't he do it again?!

Eclipse had grabbed Sun, forcing him to the side and somewhat almost into the freaking bathtub. Speaking of which, he was starting that up- Filling up the tub with water. Sun almost dropped the pole but didn't, as he tried to hit Eclipse in the head with it- Or hit him in general. The water was filled up about maybe a quarter at the time, as Eclipse grabbed what Sun attempted to attack him with and proceeded to force Sun into the bathtub, taking the pole from his hands as well.. Sun yelped, as he then began struggling to get up, perhaps out of the bathtub, he didn't like where this was going.. But his struggles were futile.. Due to Eclipse keeping him forced down in the bathtub, as he took Sun’s face and forced it underneath the faucet, hot water now pouring down and into Sun’s face.. Sun attempted to kick Eclipse off, which lead with failure. Surely Sun would've screamed but he doesn't want to the water in his mouth, so all he could do is struggle.. Or maybe..

As Sun took the sharp glass he had, which he somehow didn't got cut from it, trying to get Eclipse off using that, it did get a cut on Eclipse, as he let go of Sun for a moment to grab Sun’s arm and rip the glass from his hands.. Cutting Sun's hand in the process, making Sun wince and yelp in pain. Sun used the advantage to get away from the faucet, or even attempt  to get out of the bathtub.. The water was at his hips at this point, slowly getting higher.. As Sun attempted to get out, Eclipse took him and shoved him down into the water.. He did tear up more slightly, since the water made the cut on his hand stung, perhaps leaving a bit of blood in the water.. He surely won't be able to get out of this situation though, but he still tries, also trying to hold in his breath to not drown.. Though failing time by time as he breathed out a bit and because of the stinging on his hand, it'll go away though as he'll get used with the water. Funny though that Sun would be hit Eclipse as he was trying to get up. Eclipse didn’t seem phased by Sun hitting him, now simply holding him under the water as it filled up…. Waiting for a few moments… Before letting Sun go, turning off the running faucet as well.. The moment Eclipse let go of Sun, he immediately sat up, getting his head out of the water, gasping for air and coughing.

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