A Tight 'Hug'..

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Sun slept for about an hour or two after Eclipse left.. Ge then woke up, stretching a bit.. He did realize he probably slept a bit too much..
...It was quiet… Did Eclipse leave again?.. Sun looked around, trying to spot his friend, which wasn't there.. He'd sigh, getting out of bed.. Perhaps he should get out of the room by now..
The house was just.. Really silent…

“ Did Eclipse left again?.. ” Sun Mumbled to himself, as he looked around, not seeing Eclipse.. But as soon as he mumbled, the front door was opened, and then closed.. Well now he wasn’t alone anymore already. Sun heard the door, though he still felt.. Uneasy?.. To talk to Eclipse yet, though he couldn't just avoid Eclipse all the time..

Eclipse walked through the house a bit before finding Sun.. Staring at him for a moment before walking closer and hugging him “ Sunshine, your awake… That scared me- I thought you might’ve died- “ a small laugh came from him… He just held Sun in a, rather tight, hug-.. His voice did seem empty, though there was the slightest bit of concern and worry in it… Sun kept a bit silent, though.. Hesitantly hugged him back “ Sorry.. Just felt.. Slightly overwhelmed from my last nightmare.. ” he said it quietly.
Eclipse nodded slightly… A hand lightly rubbing his back… “ Ah… “ he rested his head on Sun’s… The overwhelming thoughts of the "nightmare" made Sun silently tear up.. Oh, how much he hated that.. Though calmed down- well, tried to.. As he didn't wanted to annoy Eclipse with his cries.. Eclipse hasn’t let go yet, now humming… Sun stood there a bit, before speaking.. “ Can you let go now.. Please?.. ” he asked, his voice being soft.. Eclipse loosened up the hug… But he didn’t let go…

Sun remained silent a bit, though confused why Eclipse didn't fully let go.. Did Eclipse worry that badly?.. Eclipse was still humming, just holding onto Sun… Not squeezing,
yet… “ Can you.. Fully let go?.. ” Sun asked again but instead of letting go, Eclipse tighten the hug just a bit…. If he could bring Sun closer... He didn’t say anything, but you could probably assume that’s a no… “ Eclipse-.. Please let go.. ” Sun spoke again.. But Eclipse tightened the hug a bit more… Which made Sun slightly panic, realizing he might be hugged to death.. Not that the hug was too tight right now but it was getting close- at least Sun could still breathe at the moment..
“ E-Eclipse- Let g-go please!- ” Sun spoke slightly louder, but wasn't a yell, as he tried to push himself out of the hug.. But of course, Eclipse just held him as close as he could hold Sun… Which meant that he was squeezing him pretty tightly, but Sun can still breathe yet.. The two upper arms around his ribcage aren’t THAT tight- but the ones around his waist were- I think they squeezed him as close as they could get him… Sun eventually stopped trying, letting Eclipse hug him, since he doesn't want to die because of lack of air. Sun may have stopped trying to get away and out of the hug…. But Eclipse didn’t stop squeezing… Making the hug even tighter… Since the bottom two can’t seem to squeeze Sun any tighter, the top two could… And did… Slowly squeezing Sun’s rib cage to his body…. And at the moment it is starting to get harder to breathe…Sun immediately noticed it, which made him struggle again to push himself away “ E-Eclipse! T-Too tight! I can't b-breath! ” and the hug got tighter… Even harder to breathe now… Su  slightly teared up, as he struggled to breath or even gasp for air, still trying to make Eclipse stop... It was hurting a bit honestly, hopefully Eclipse would let  go sooner.. But the hug got tighter... Perhaps something popped, or was that a snap? Either way, it hurt. Sun teared up more, if he wouldn't of needed to hold the remaining air in him he would've scream.. Yell.. Beg for Eclipse to stop and let go... But he was struggling to keep himself conscious. It gotten even tighter… At this point, Eclipse might break Sun’s ribcage with how tight he’s squeezing…. Sun teared up even more, he really didn't like this.. Was this a punishment?.. Either way he doesn't like it and wants this to stop.. But oh poor Sunny.. He might just loses consciousness before his body gets broken.. Well, sadly that happened.. Sun passed out because of lack of oxygen.. Just in time to not exactly feel the pain Eclipse just gave him… As he squeezed Sun as close as he could get him, causing him to break Sun’s ribs… Eclipse just kept him in this close embrace… Sometimes forcing Sun to breathe… He didn’t want him dead… Not in his arms at least… So he’d force Sun to breathe every now and then… Sun was just tearing up, he wanted Eclipse to stop.. It hurt him so much, especially that Eclipse was technically forcing him to live while he was still hurting him.

Eclipse finally loosened up… He hasn’t healed or done anything for Sun’s ribcage, but at least he loosened up… That didn’t mean the hug was done, he was still holding on, just not as tightly… “ Sorry, dear… “ now, either Eclipse didn’t hear Sun stating it was too tight and just realized now, or he had a really delayed reaction… Or he just didn’t give a single fuck. Anyhow, Sun was tearing up, not saying a word.. Perhaps just trying to catch his breath though it hurt him a lot from the broken ribcage, which Eclipse didn't bother to heal yet.. Welp, now he surely has haphephobia and will surely not want to get hugged by Eclipse..
[For those who don't know, it means fear of touch]

Not that Eclipse will listen to anything Sun says about it… He eventually let him go… Fully finally… Walking off towards the kitchen… Sun was just crying, as he held onto the wall as support to go back in his own room, slightly holding his chest.. It hurts so much... Why did Eclipse even do that?.. He surely wasn't dreaming now though.. Was Eclipse mad that he didn't interact with him?.. All though, he just went to his bed, sitting down, holding his chest, still crying, maybe even sobbing, as his body slightly trembled. Eclipse walked into Sun's room with gummies… He looked down at Sun, as he apologized again… Before sitting on the side of his bed and holding out some gummies… They were a yellow color… Sun looked a bit at Eclipse, then looked at the gummies. Eclipse kept them out.. “ Take… “. Well, Sun didn't dare to not listen, so he took the gummies and ate them.. Eclipse stayed there, closing the lid onto the gummies… As a few seconds passed and Sun’s chest felt fine now…. Sun stood there afterwards, as tears rolled down his face.

Eclipse let out a small sigh… Mumbled something to himself, before he took Sun’s face and put his forehead against Sun’s… His thumb wiping away Sun’s tears.. “ I’m sorry, Sunshine… I don’t know why I didn’t let go when you asked…. I suppose not having you awake the next morning like normal is… Scary… I didn’t mean to hug that hard…. Just was a bit too concerned, I suppose…. “ he kissed his nose, wiping any more tears on his face, and let go… Sun did slightly flinch at the touch, well guess first signs of getting a new fear.. Anyhow, he at least learned to not to avoid Eclipse, even if he's overwhelmed or even scared of him. Eclipse had left the room, going back to kitchen to put the gummies up.. Sun just stood where he was, closing his eyes for a while, to try and calm himself from this sudden event.. Eclipse had closed the cabinets… He sighed… Walking off to the living room, and sitting on the couch with a book in hand.

Sun thought to himself what he could do.. He can't go outside, for sure Eclipse wouldn't let him.. So he just decided to fall asleep.. Well- uh.. Sleep sitting..

Broken Reality.. [SAMS AU] जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें