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Raising a brow, the blond male couldn't help the confusion he felt, ignoring the feeling of panic that tried to crawl up his spine. "What are you-" Cutting himself off, Angel quickly pulled out Caliburn and clashed swords with the younger woman. He gritted his teeth, hating the fact that she was about to draw blood, with no sign of her showing any remorse for it either. Rin, Yukio and Mephisto all stared with wide eyes, too shock to do much as they tried to comprehend the situation.

"You wretched woman!" Angel growled under his breath, trying to push down the feeling of desperation that crept up his throat. "Take it out on me! Don't bring him into this!"

Shura chuckled, allowing her sword to press harder against his neck, enjoying the way Angel squirmed. "It's up to you, do you want me to stop?" She asked, taunting him as she spotted the scowl on the blond male's face. "Of course! Don't you even dare move an inch closer." 

"Then spill it, spill everything you know about him sweating holy water and what Shiro had to do with it." She demanded, her expression turning from smug to serious in a split second. Angel should keep quiet, he should have his lips sealed and not say a single word to anyone, taking his secret to the grave just as Shiro Fujimoto did. But he couldn't do it, not when she was threatening him like this. He has known Shura for a long time, and she wasn't the type to back down form anything. Taking in a deep breath, Angel lowered Caliburn and stood up straight, glaring deeply into her eyes as he gave her a nod. "I will tell you what I can... The rest has to be told to (y/n) when the time is right."

Shura seemed hesitant at first, wanting to know the whole story, but she understood what he wanted. (Y/n) needed to hear about it, he needed to know about what was going on and what powers he held within himself. Heaving a sigh, Shura turned to gaze deeply into Angel's eyes, detecting the panic and desperation hidden within them, as she sent him a nod in return. Moving her blade away, she inwardly apologized to (y/n) for taking him hostage while he was unconscious, luckily for him she didn't leave a single scar on his pretty little neck thanks to Angel acting fast with Caliburn. 

Snapping out of his shock first, Yukio growled under his breath and sent Shura a scowl. "Are you insane?!" He screeched, hating the smile she sent him, not in the least bit worried about the scolding Yukio would probably give her. "You can't just use (y/n) as a hostage to get what you want! Act your age, how beastly can you be?!" 

"Hey! It worked didn't it?" She responded, fixing her bangs before waving her hand aimlessly at the young exorcist. "At least I got him to speak, you would have done something less cool." Mephisto couldn't help but roll his eyes as the two started arguing, with Rin now joining in, angry with the woman for almost harming the unconscious male upon the bed.  It was true that she had gone a bit overboard, but was effective in getting Angel, the most stubborn man to ever be Paladin, to submit and spill the beans. And Mephisto wouldn't lie, it was amusing and intriguing to watch the man squirm and become desperate to save someone as he had at that moment. Turning his head, he watched as Angel knelt down next to the bed, his right hand placed on the top of (y/n)'s head as he patted it softly. Angel's gazed upon the boy was strange, something Mephisto had never witnessed the blond show before. Ignoring the three that argued in the background, the headmaster walked towards Angel, watching him closely as the blond ran his fingers through (y/n)'s (h/c) haired locks. 

"Sad how this poor child has to live through such difficulties, simply because he was born under a strange star and planet formation." He mumbled softly under his breath.  

Mephisto hummed softly in agreement, as he gazed down at (y/n), watching the boy with a strange fondness. He resembled an angelic being, one he hasn't seen in centuries since his first visit to Assiah. "It was written in the stars for him, he has to live through difficulties if he wishes to achieve harmony." Angel heaved a sigh, bowing his head as he thought to himself. "Fujimoto saw demons following him a few months after he was born, so he decided that the only thing that would save him in the future would be a holy ritual and baptism." Mephisto stayed quiet and listened, furrowing his eyebrows at the confession about the boy and his ritual. "(Y/n) had been blessed profoundly by multiple priests and monks, and bathed in holy water, as well as drinking nothing but holy water for seven days. On the Sunday of the seventh day at first light, Fujimoto called me to say that the ritual had been a success and demons stayed far away from him." 

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