Chapter 6

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Avery POV

We just arrived at McDonalds and there wasn't that many people because it's still school time for the teenagers so that's why there's not that many people here. I looked at Niall who is talking to his daughter about something random. Never in my entire life I thought I would be working for Niall. Not only that he wants to be friends with me which is crazy. I haven't had that many friends in my life because I'm typically a shy person but I'm glad Niall wants to be friends with me and didn't call me ugly like most people do.

Let me introduce myself my name is Avery Jones and I'm 23 years old. I live with my dad who abuses me. He has been abusing since the day my mother passed away few months ago. My dad thinks it's my fault for my mother passing but I don't think it is. He just loves to yell and punch or punish me whenever he can. I know I need to get out and find a place for myself but I can't do that because one I don't have money and two I don't think my father will let me out of the house. My life is basically a mess and I need to get out of my father's life and I don't know how to do that.

"So, what do you want to eat Avery?" Niall asked me

I didn't notice but we are almost at the end of the line and it's almost our turn. I'm so hungry. I didn't eat this morning because my father didn't give me food and the cafeteria food in our schools tastes so bad.

"I will get a cheeseburger combo" I told him as I looked at Niall and he smiled at me

"What drink do you want?" he asked

"Coke but you know I can pay for my own food. I have the money" I told him as I tried to get cash from my purse but Niall stopped me

"That's necessary because you don't need to pay anything" Niall said

"But Niall" I whined

"And no whining" he said as he pointed at me and I smiled at him

We were up next and he told the lady behind the counter what we wanted.

"Okay fine I'll pay you back" I told him

"You don't need to pay me back love" he said as we stood aside to wait for our food

He just called me love. I was waiting for him to say any nickname that he used to use when he went on Instagram live and what he would call us but I couldn't believe I'm hearing it in real life. I looked at Niall to see he is kind of blushing. Why is he blushing? Was he not supposed to say that? But I don't know.

"I have to because you're paying for my food" I told him

"Like I said you don't need to pay for anything" he said

"Fine" I told him as I crossed my arms over my chest and he chuckled.

Our food was ready and Niall got the bags while I got the drinks. We sat down at the booth and Lilly sat next to Niall while I sat at the opposite side of them.

"One cheeseburger combo for you" Niall said as he handed me my food

"Thank you" I told him

"Daddy where's my food?" Lilly asked Niall as she looked at him

"I don't know. I think they forgot it" Niall said jokingly

"They didn't forget about it. It's right there" Lilly said as she pointed at the yellow box that contains her food

"No I don't think that's your food. I think that's mine" Niall told her

"No it's mine daddy. I got the happy meal" Lilly said

"Oh really? Did you?" Niall asked her and I couldn't help but chuckle at these two conversations

"Yes I did. Please can I have my food?" Lilly asked

"Yes since you asked nicely" Niall said as he handed Lilly her food and he helped her take the food out of the box

"You love to mess with her don't you?" I asked Niall as I ate my cheeseburger and he looked at me

"Yeah I do sometimes to get a raise out of her or I just do it for fun" he said

"So, you're that kind of dad?" I asked him

"What kind?" he asked while eating his Big Mac

"The fun one you know have a little bit of fun with them but doesn't give her punishments" I told him

"I do give her punishments it's when she did something terrible. The only time I gave her a punishment is when she threw me phone in the toilet" he said and I just looked at him with wide eyes as Lilly was eating her chicken nuggets that she got

"She did that? Why?" I asked him as I ate my fries

I'm so hungry I could literally eat this whole thing in seconds but I don't want to shove my food in my face in front of him. That would be weird and unprofessional.

"She said it was accident but I don't know. But I got my phone working again by putting in rice" he said

"Yeah I heard that's a good way to bring your phone back to life" I told him and he chuckled

"Yes it is and I'm glad I have a good working phone now" he said and I smiled "Now let's not talk about my life how was your day today?" Niall asked me

"It was good. I had school this morning and so I have to wake up early for that" I said

"And I'm guessing you're not a morning person?" he asked me

"No I'm not but I'm trying to be since I have school and having this new job now" I told him

"Yeah speaking of your job. Are you available to start next week? I'm going back to work next week because we start rehearsals for tour that's starting next month" he said

Oh yeah I forgot he starts tour next month that means he won't be with Lilly and I for a few months because of that. Why did I think that if I hangout with him more often than he would be friends with me but while he is on tour. I know he would forget about me and maybe fire me too.

"Oh yeah tour how's that going?" I asked him

"It's going good. We are coming up with the stage design and we did come up with the setlist" he said

"Really? Is there a possibility that I could get a sneak peek of the setlist?" I asked him and he chuckled

"Maybe. We just have to wait and see" he said

"So that means I'm not going to get a sneak peek?" I asked him

"Like I said you have to wait and see" he said

"You're a meany did you know that?" I asked him and he laughed

I can't believe I'm hearing the famous Niall Horan laugh in real life. This is crazy and it sounds adorable. Wait. Did I say that? Yes I did.

"No I'm not and look who is acting like a child now?" Niall asked me

"I'm not being a child. You have a child right there" I told him as I pointed at Lilly who is playing with her toys

I noticed how Lilly is into our playful fights and conversation. She is just interested on the toy she got. Little kids they love to get distracted easily especially with 3 year old.

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