"Grandma took kele and the other
maid to the market."

"And you're here?"

"I woke up and she was already gone"

Jungkook noticed his neck again
and said

"You didn't have to cover them"

Jungkook lightly smiled to himself and looked at the glass on the table.

Jungkook asked, "What is this?"

Taehyung replied, "That's carrot juice mixed with pickle juice and tomatoes."


"You were drunk last night. It'll help you with the hangover."

"I'm not drinking that."

"It'll really help you with the

Jungkook looked at him with one
brow raised and drank the whole thing at once...

In the end, he groaned in disgust and Tae smiled a little.

Tae showed him a little boxy smile and jungkook adores it. He said,

"I'm not going to work today andneither are you

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"I'm not going to work today and
neither are you.”


"Because I got a meeting in a couple of hours outside the company."

"Okay, master"

"And I know grandma and the others will not come back before 10 pm."

"Okay, master.”

"And I'll be back by 4."

"Yes, master."

"So I want you to be ready."

"Okay, master. But for what?"

"I wanna take you outside. For dinner. Will you go?"

Tae smiles a little more and
said: "I'd like to, Master."

After a little pause, Tae asked: "C-Can I ask you something?"

Jungkook looked at him and saw how he played with the hem of his shirt...

Jungkook looked interested and he continued

"Can Jimin come here? Just for an hour or two.

He's my brother and I terribly miss him. Haven't seen him since the wedding."

Tae was nervous as he
asked him and jungkook said:

"If you promise me he'll be gone before I come here."

Instantly his eyes lighted with sparkles and happiness. Tae gave a bright smile that melted his heart mostly and in a low voice said

"Thank you."

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