" But Sweetheart... we are talking about him being paralyzed forever if there were no chance at all! " Mama Chen cried and began to fall down on the ground while being held by his husband, " My Eddy won't be able to stop hurting himself from this pain brought to him.. "

" Ma, let's just be positive in front of him as much as we can.. Recovering after such traumatic accident would take a toll on him- " Belle tried to calm her mother down with some thinking but she's just as stubborn like her son.

" I should have forced him to be a doctor.. or lawyer at least.. " Mama Chen mumbled as tears came down on her cheeks, it echoed the whole house as Papa Chen went towards her to comfort her.

Meanwhile, the sad painter would hear his family's concern about him. He would look slowly to the door where his sister exited as the echoing voices could be heard outside his room. Because of his remarkable musical ear, which he began developing at the age of seven, he often found himself surrounded by moments marked by negativity, pain, and suffering. These experiences reminded him of the disappointment he felt he had been to his parents over the years. The room was filled with the haunting melody of Mozart's requiem, conveying the depth of his sorrow in a way that no words could ever express.

He goes back staring at the empty canvas before him, he is overwhelmed by a deep feeling of demotivation and lack of determination. His worn-out hands seemed incapable of transforming his artistic vision into a tangible reality. Tears streamed down his cheeks as he involuntarily released his paintbrush, its clatter echoing through his desolate room. Eddy's piercing screams filled the air as he unleashed his agony, destroying everything in sight. Hurling the canvas, pounding the wooden easel, and overturning jars of paint, a chaotic swirl of color erupted across the floor. His useless hands made the prospect of continuing his wretched existence almost unbearable.

He was like a pitiful version of himself before he achieved fame.

The Chen family was suddenly startled by a loud thumping and the sound of shattered glass coming from Edward's room. Belle quickly rushed to her little brother's side, enveloping him in a tight embrace. She softly whispered in his ear, soothing his fear. Meanwhile, their mother watched with a heavy heart as her beloved son crumbled on the floor, crying uncontrollably. In a swift motion, Eddy's father retrieved the prescribed medication to help manage his temper outbursts, as advised by the doctors. Carefully, he secured his son's arm and administered the injection. As the medicine began to take effect, Eddy was filled with a soothing sense of tranquility. Drowsiness set in, causing him to peacefully close his eyes and surrender to the magic of the medication. As he lay down, a single tear cascaded down his face while his sister tenderly caressed his hair and whispered soothing words.

" We're here didi.. Please get well for me.. Your sister will always be here for you, okay.. "

🎻♬♬♪♫♩♬♬♪♫♩♥ '¨'•.¸¸.♫│▌▌▌│▌▌│▌▌▌│▌▌│▌▌▌♫'¨'*•.¸¸♥ ♬♬♪♫♩♬♬♪♫♩🎻

The music of Bach fills the air, its resonant beauty transforming the setting into a magnificent concert hall, graced by the performances of world-renowned classical musicians. The string instruments emitted faultless melodies, enveloping the entire space with a magnificent and reverberating harmony. The audience found themselves entranced, their hearts captivated by the mesmerizing music drifting through the air. Each note had the power to transport them to a place where their worries dissolved, leaving only deep serenity behind.

Edward was a bit confused to why he is here, in a place like this.

The Asian boy, sitting in the midst of the audience, found himself completely enthralled by the orchestra's exquisite performance, to the point where he had to close his eyes. He smiled while being enchanted by the harmonious melodies of violins, cellos, and the delicate tones of wind instruments like flutes and oboes. The symphony's final notes reverberated through the hall, flooding the boy's mind with a kaleidoscope of vivid images, begging to be immortalized in his art. He longed to grasp the brush from his right hand, feeling an irresistible urge to transmit the magic of music onto the blank canvas, giving birth to a transcendent masterpiece crafted from the symphony of sounds. Filled with a newfound determination, the boy's heart swelled as the symphony reached its crescendo, compelling him to capture the very essence of the music from an imaginary blank canvas. Through every stroke of his brush in his mind, his intention was to capture the mesmerizing emotions stirred by the orchestra, immersing himself in a realm where the lines between sound and color blended harmoniously. Not only was the music incredibly soothing, but it also ignited his imagination. He envisioned transforming each musical note into graceful brushstrokes and harmoniously blending vibrant colors on his imaginary canvas. He found immense joy in envisioning the artistic interpretation of every note played by the orchestral group.

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