Chapter one - the funeral

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Morning already , seriously! I just fell asleep like 20 minutes ago and this is how I get woken up by my stupid alarm ringing like it's warning me of another earthquake coming.

I take my phone from the nightstand. Switching it on its already 10am. That's early.

It's early because I work as a bar attender. I don't love my job but it'll be a sin to say I hate it because I honestly don't.

Hi ! I'm Vicki but all boring, lame and sexually frustrated people call me Victoria.

I live alone here in America and I love everything there is to love about this country. I was born and raised in Colombia which makes me Colombian but now I live here alone in my one person apartment.

It's peaceful for me really but for others it's not. Not to brag or anything but I've been places and I've seen the world and for someone looking for peace and quiteness this is the best place to be in.

I take a long hot shower while trying to convince myself to get out of my dark roomed apartment and go see the sun for a change before going to work but nah , I'm gonna save it for later.

No-one can convince me not even me.

After putting on an oversized crop top and sweatpants I pull on some ankle socks and fall on my couch switching on the TV and in that very time my annoying weirdo Irvine decided its the best time to call.

"You won't guess who got ditched by her boyfriend last minute after she behaved like a pregnant dog of 9" he said from the other line.

"Damn that's, brutal. She really did deserve it thou." I replied.

"Yes , queen she did. She mostly deserved it after flanking her duties on you. What a bitch"

"What a bitch indeed."

"So hey , Vicki what are you doing right now ?"

"Not much was about to watch You"

"You mean the series of that psychopath guy who was so interested in a girl he resorted to killing the jerk of boyfriend she had ?"

"Those are just the first episodes you didn't finish the whole thing"

"But you do know I love a good finish"

"Of course you do"

"But anyway i really called to inform you that our managers mother died yesterday evening and the funeral is today around 1pm so we have to go"

"Shit , Irvine you're the worst. You should've said that in the very first place."

"Like I would care , the manager is a total dick I'm sure he inherited it from his mother" he grumbled from the other line.

"He does behave like a bitch thou. But anyway let's go offer our biggest condolences"

"I'm just going coz I recently bought this black shirt and I had nowhere to wear it to"

"I'll be at your house in 30" I said and hung up the cell.

Irvine and I met when I first moved here. I really didn't have anywhere to go and I stumbled on a drunk Irvine who took me in for like two days before he helped me get my own place and job.

After putting on my black poloneck dress which hugged my curves well and tying my hair in a light low ponytail and applying a bit of makeup I grabbed my keys and dashed out the door.

I drove to Irvine's place and found him already waiting for me.

"You said be there in 30. You're like 5minutes late. How rude of you to keep me waiting in such moist weather. " He complained while putting on his seat belt.

"So like when we get there , are we gonna go full on crying like we were her besties?" Asked Irvine

"We only saw her like a few times but we must show the right amount of hurt. We don't wanna make it seem like we killed her" I replied and he just hummed before he started playing 'Paint the town red ' by Doja Cat.

I seriously can't believe we're going to a funeral while listening to this song but either way it's not us who died and I'm sure even if we did both of us would want this song at our funeral .

"Turn the volume down" I said to him as we got nearer to the church.

"Okay" and he did the exact opposite earning us shocked glances from the people around us.

"Shit , Irvine Mccarthy I definetly am killing you this week" I said unplugging his phone from the aux cable.

"You love me way too much bitch to want and try pull something like that on me." He said before opening his door and getting out.

Getting out of the car with my purse and keys in hand , Irvine and I make our way to the so called aggrieved.

"Oh , Tony. I'm so sorry. Your mother didn't deserve that. Who in their right minds who sway out of the road and hit a poor old woman on her way to the grocery store. " said Irvine.

"Come here baby , welcome to the orphans club" he said while pulling him into a hug.

"Fuck off Irvine , my mother died of old age and I'm not an orphan my dad's alive" said Tony pulling away from him.

"But I don't see him " said Irvine looking around. "Tony we all can be orphans especially when your dad ditched you the moments after he saw you. Its okay. You're an orphan now and whoever that truck driver was. He is gonna pay" said Irvine to Tony.

"Uh , Tony I'm sorry about your mom. May her dear soul find peace. She was was really a lovely woman" I said and Irvine let out a cough.

"Was she not Irvine ?" I said looking at him with the don't you dare look.

He nodded his head vigorously. "Yeah , she was an angel who fell right from the sky into this world full of sin" he said before walking away from an enraged Tony.

"You know his mother was a bitch" he said to me. "You know it's actually a sin to lie about the deceased. They won't go away from the living world" he said and I just chuckled.

"Let's go find some drinks huh?" I said leading him to the table full of beverages.

While we were just enjoying our drinks Irvine's glass fell to the floor with his jaw dropped literally to the ground.

" Oh my devil" he said ever so slowly looking at the door as if the gates of hell had just opened for him alone.

"Yummy" he muttered and that forced me to look at his line of sight.

There stood about 20 muscular men all in black suits and shades with their hair neatly done but the one who stood out was the one in the middle.

Probably a 6,3 whose shirt had 3 top buttons undone , showing the right amount of chest and tattoos I wanted to see. He looked muscular and his aura. Oh I knew that aura all too well.

No-one in their right mind would show up to a funeral like that except for one group of people.

The Mafia.

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