Chapter 7: The Dragon's Cave

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The team entered the cave cautiously, their weapons at the ready, but there was no sign of the dragon. As they walked deeper into the cave, they could hear the sound of flowing water and the glint of crystal formations, as well as a few Highland Mushrooms of all sizes. Blaze summoned a fireball on her hand to bring a clearer sight and inadvertently lighting the crystals, making them glimmer all around the cave.
"Woah. This place is so beautiful." Silver spoke in awe.

"Ugh, there's mushrooms in here!" Sonic spoke, disgusted at the Highland Mushrooms in the place. "I hate mushrooms, bleh!"
"Yes, they are not my favorite either..." Caliburn shuddered in agreement.

"Rouge would absolutely love this place." Shadow commented, impressed by all of the crystal formations.
"Yeah. Maybe that bat girl would finally stop trying to steal my emerald!" Knuckles concluded, feeling frustrated at the mere thought of her. "And I can't leave it unguarded. We need to get back home as soon as possible."

"Who's Rouge?" Galatine asked in unison.
"She's a real pain in neck, trying to steal my emerald."
"Is it the Master Emerald that ye mentioned-"
"During ye battle with Sir Gawain the other day?"

"Well, if all this is the power source of Merlina's mother, she must be very, VERY powerful." Sonic spoke, whistling in admiration.
"Indeed." Arondight spoke. "Sebile's power is only matched by Lady Nimue, Morgan le Fay and Merlin himself. They are the four most powerful wizards in all of Camelot."
"Wow. That's impressive." Sonic replied, feeling a newfound respect for Merlina and her family.

As they continued deeper into the cave, they could feel the temperature rising, and the sound of the water grew louder. Soon, they came across a large underground lake, with crystal formations lining the walls and ceiling glimmering by Blaze's fire.
"Whoa. This is amazing." She spoke in awe.
"Yeah. It's like we're in a whole different world." Jet added, looking around in wonder.
"Be on guard, everyone. We do not know what dangers may lie ahead." Caliburn warned, feeling uneasy about the peaceful atmosphere of the cave.

"What, you scared or something?" Sonic joked.
"The only thing I'm scared of is you not keeping thy grip on me, Knave." Caliburn retorted, feeling insulted.
"Hey, I've got a pretty good grip, thank you very much." Sonic replied, holding Caliburn up for emphasis.
"Oh, really?"
"Yeah, really. Oversized letter opener."
"Enough bickering, you two. Let's get the townsfolk before the dragon comes back." Blaze interrupted, feeling impatient.

Suddenly, Ryder and Flare began to neigh and whinny nervously, and the group could hear the sound of something coming towards them in the water.
"Guys, I think we have company." Silver spoke, feeling the ground shake.
"Be on guard." Shadow warned.

Multiple Knights of the Underworld burst from the underwater, and the group quickly got into position, ready to fight.
"Let's do this!" Sonic exclaimed, before charging towards the nearest knight.

The group quickly engaged in battle, using their respective weapons and abilities to defeat the knights. Sonic and Shadow worked together to take out a group of knights, while Knuckles fought off another group. Blaze and Silver used their fire and telekinetic abilities, respectively, to take out the remaining knights.

As the last knight fell, the group caught their breath, feeling relieved that the battle was over for now.

"That was too close." Blaze sighed, feeling the heat from her flames.
"Yeah. We need to keep moving." Shadow replied.
"Why were there Knights of the Underworld here?" Silver asked. Sonic looked thoughtful.
"Bet King Arthur was the one who sent them here. He's trying to stop us from rescuing the townsfolk for some reason."

"Hey guys!" Jet called, pointing to a construction behind another entrance to the cave. "I think that's where they're keeping the townspeople."
"We must hurry, before the dragon returns!" Caliburn warned, feeling anxious.

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