Chapter {43} Destiny

Start from the beginning

16 Every scripture is inspired by God and useful for teaching, for reproof, for correction, and for training in righteousness,
17 that the person dedicated to God may be capable and equipped for every good work.

"Okay, it's okay. I have no wish to argue with you, just call me first thing tomorrow morning so that I can come and fetch you." 

"Okay-" The call ended before I could complete my sentence. 

He had just cut my call which was something that hardly happened. Was he angry because of what I had said? But what had I spoken which was out of line?

After eating a meal that felt empty, I needed to clear my head by taking a short walk outside. So much had happened in the span of two days. I was on the brink of losing my best friend and my boyfriend and I had our biggest fight over my faith. What was going on? Why was my life going south?

I put on some instrumental gospel music and wore a warm sweater, and just as I was exiting the door, I got a bit startled.  Two men adorned in black attire were standing right outside my door arguing, rather loudly. Yes, this was a student accommodation but this floor hardly had any students, hence my surprise.

I decided to ignore them and go about my way, plugging in my ear pods as I locked my door and walked down the hallway till I reached the elevator and pressed the call button. Something told me that those men were following me and my suspicions were confirmed as the men appeared in front of me, clearly still arguing.

I could only out bits of what they were arguing about, "How will we get there?"

Oh, that's why they were arguing. I did not want to get involved so I kept quiet and scrambled into the lift as soon as it arrived. The men entered as well and I got to take a quick glance at them from my perpetual view. They looked like thugs, with tattoos running around their necks, and thousands of piercings. They were built like enigmatic figures, full of muscle and stormy eyes. However, I decided that I would not judge them according to their appearance and decided to listen to my music.

It was soothing to my soul.

As soon as the elevator opened its doors, I was the first to hastily step out but before I could turn into the accommodation garden which was filled with students just lounging around, I felt a tap on my shoulder and as I turned around I found the two mysterious fellows calling me. Something about them made me feel uneasy but I decided to shrug the feeling off, removing my ear pods.

"Yes? Can I help you?" I gave them a small smile.

"Sí, can you please show us where the negozio is?" One of the men asked politely, this voice was laced with an accent I was not familiar with. The other man stood awkwardly beside him.

I furrowed my brows, trying to translate the word he had just said and then I got it. Store! He was inquiring about where the store was.

Just as I was about to direct him, he interrupted me, "I'm sorry but we do not speak too much English but you can tell the man in that red car and he will be able to take us. He is our fratello,"  he explained and I understood. I didn't think he could be lying but he was also a stranger.

Could I trust them?

"Uhm, I don't know..."

"Don't be scared, we are harmless, we just want to go to the store and the car is just across the road."

After a bit of contemplation, I decided to help them. I mean, what's the worst that could happen? It's not like they would kidnap me, they just wanted some help. "Okay."

We silently walked across the street to where the car was, just as I was about to ask the driver to open his window, the two men suddenly took hold of both of my arms as a shrill scream and shock reverberated through my body. They opened the backseat doors and threw me inside before jumping inside on either side of me and before I could register what was going on, the car zoomed away into the night.

"NO! WHERE ARE YOU TAKING ME?!" I had never screamed so much in my life, what was going on? I kicked and screamed with all my might but the two men held me down. I even tried biting them to no avail.

Suddenly a cloth was pressed tightly onto my nose, and I fought hard not to inhale whatever substance was put on the cloth but my efforts were wasted as my vision began to get blurry and I succumbed to the darkness.


Oh, how stupidly I had acted. I had trusted complete strangers with my life and now I was kidnapped but through this, I learnt an important lesson: Love everyone and trust nobody and always heed to the voice of alarm in your head, you never know what danger you could be shielded from.

I just hoped that Nio would come for me and give the mysterious man whatever he wanted from him because I had not even an ounce of doubt that the man would bring harm upon me if Nio did not comply.

"I will not touch a hair on her head if you stick to your side of the deal and deliver what is mine within forty-eight hours," and utter silence after the man confirmed my fears. The call had ended but this was far from ending.

There was still something firm on my chest and this man would kill me if Nio did not deliver in forty-eight hours. Every second that passed rang loudly in my heart as it thudded loudly in symphony with my racing thoughts.

I jolted out of my thoughts as the sound of keys and the door creaking open invaded my ears, at least the man was leaving.

But, as soon as that thought and relief came it disappeared as my blindfold was pulled roughly away from my eyes, forcing me to open my tired and groggily eyes to a dark room and a silhouette of a man standing in the distance. I thought the man was gone.

What would he do to me?

I glanced down at my chest and to my horror my suspicions were true, a bomb with 47 hours, 55 minutes and 60 seconds flashed red before my eyes. If I was scared before I was shaking now. The seconds raced by as though this was not my life on the line.

The light suddenly turned on, blinding me temporarily before my eyes adjusted to the brightness.

"So, Destiny we meet again," he smirked stalking towards me.

How could he be here? What was he doing here?

What was going on?!


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