Vacation - part 1

Start from the beginning

After everyone was pretty tired yesterday night we decided to have a chill day today, hang around at the pool and mostly recharge from the tough season we all have had. We won't be sitting on our butts everyday as we have planned to go sightseeing tomorrow and clubbing later this week. I just changed into my bikini and walk outside through the open back doors to the pool, terrace and outside kitchen. Everyone has woken up by now and are outside, some are in the pool while others are tanning on the loungers. I notice Leah sitting on the edge of the pool with her feet in the water as she enjoys the warmth of the sun on her skin, I smile as she seems very relaxed which she deserves after the stressful season at Arsenal and the World Cup. A naughty idea pops up in my head so I quickly drop my stuff on one of the unoccupied loungers and take my sunglasses off before jogging towards the pool, I jump in just beside Leah and do a cannonball right next to her making her all wet with the splashing water. I resurface with a big smile plastering on my face as I see Leah looking at me with an angry expression 'You are so childish' Leah says giving me an unimpressed look which makes me smile more, I swim towards her 'Are we grumpy now?' I ask placing myself between her legs. 'You made me wet so I have every right to be annoyed at you' Leah says as she tries to wipe water drops of her body, I watch a water drop trail down into the valley of her breasts and onto her belly before she wipes it away too making me snap out of my very respectfully stare with her front. 'Normally you wouldn't mind that I make you wet' I tease with a smirk, Leah bites her bottom lip while looking down at me. This position is doing this to me, especially when Leah is biting her bottom lip like that and wears this sexy ass bikini. 'Hey horny teenagers get a room!' Alex shouts at us from the other side of the pool pulling me out of my intense stare with Leah her lips 'No worries, we will later' I respond back with cheeky wink which makes the others laugh but gets me a slap on the back of my head from Leah. Again I see Viv looking at me with a stern glare, it is like she is disapproving everything that I do. I might need to ask her about that soon because otherwise this vacation isn't going to be as fun but for now I decide to ignore it and enjoy our chill day.
We have spent the whole afternoon in and around the pool. We tried playing some water polo but Jordan kept drowning as she couldn't touch the bottom of the swimming pool and everyone kept kicking each other under water, then we tried playing volleyball on the grass but also stopped shortly after we started because everyone was accusing the opposite team of cheating and breaking the rules so we ended up mostly tanning and swimming as we enjoyed our very deserved vacation. 

Now we are preparing dinner for tonight as no one had the energy to dress up and go out to eat so we are staying here. There is a barbecue at the house so we decided to use that tonight, me and Jordan got assigned to get it ready for the food to go on but getting this thing on is harder then we thought. 'Do we need more charcoal?' Jordan asks already holding the bag, my shirts is no longer light blue because of the charcoal smudges 'No, the flame just need to go a little harder' I say while twisting the knobs 'How about this then?' Jordan asks holding up a white bottle, I shrug my shoulders 'What does it say?' Now Jordan shrugs her shoulders 'I don't know, I think it is Spanish' I take the bottle from her. ¡Inflamable! Is the first word I read 'Where absolutely not going to use this' I say as I hand her the bottle back 'Why?' Jordan asks confused. Small people small brains apparently. 'You want to set the whole house on fire?' I ask Jordan, she looks with a puzzled look 'No of course not' 'This is flammable' I tell her and Jordan lets out a small 'Oh' before quickly putting the bottle back where she found it. Eventually we managed to get the barbecue to work and the food is put on, we have lots of food from vegetables to meat and fish to bread but everyone is really hungry and it is vacation so the amount of calories we eat now are a worry for preseason.
All the food is prepared and on the table so I sit down next to Leah and Millie while Rachel and Georgia sit opposite of me all ready to dive in. 'Wow this is delicious' Leah lets out a small moan as she takes a bit from the food 'We did really good' Ellie says and we all agree with her, not to brag but we could start a 5 star Michelin restaurant. 'Did you take the last steak?' Leah asks me 'I think so?' I reply as I scan the table for another one but I don't see one 'Can I have a bite from yours then?' Leah asks 'You can have my whole steak if you want, I can choose something else' I suggest but Leah shakes her head 'A bite is fine' She says with a thankful smile. Her loss, more steak for me. I cut a piece from the steak on my plate and Leah opens her mouth for me to feed her, I chuckle at the sight and put my fork with stake in her mouth, she closes her mouth and starts chewing while letting out a small moan at how delicious the steak is. Somehow this is tuning me on as I look from her closed eyes to her soft lips which have a bit of steak juice on them and her little moan. 'You guys are cute' Rachel says and I grin at her 'Feeling single Rach?' Leah asks which makes Rachel blush, something is definitely going on which she isn't telling us about. 'Oehh spill' I hear Keira say from the other side of the table 'Yeah Rachel spill the tea' Millie says beside me on a teasing manner, there is no way Millie doesn't know all the ins and outs about this already. 'Alright alright' Rachel says and we all fall silent and have our attention on her 'I got a girlfriend' She says and we all start cheering for her, Rachel has gone through a difficult love life having had two big long lasting relationship break ups in only a few years isn't ideal. 'Is that all you are going to give us?' Keira asks, this girl is one big juice channel she wants to know everything and somehow does know everything. 'Gosh you guys are nosy' We all smile innocently at Rachel hoping she tells us more 'She is my teammate at Villa and was in Australia during the world cup to support us' Rachel says casually, like we didn't spent almost every day together and she didn't mention her once. 'No name?' I ask already grabbing my phone so I can stalk her on Instagram 'Wanting to know if you might have fucked her once?' Viv says out of nowhere, all eyes shoot at her in shock about what she just said. 'What did you say?' I ask definitely heard her the first time but I want to hear her say it again 'Do you want-' Viv starts to repeat her previous sentence but is cut off by Lucy 'Alright enough, we heard you the first time' I let out a small huff as my glare is focused on Viv while hers is on me, I get pulled out of our intense staring contest 'Her name is Sarah Mayling' Rachel says trying to lighten the tension. The conversation continues about Rachel her girlfriend and also other subjects but I just can't seem to ignore Viv her words. 

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