2. Shadows and Light.

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In the midst of his growing impatience, Taehyung reached for his phone, dialing his uncle's number with a sense of urgency. The seconds stretched as the line connected, and when his uncle's voice finally filled the earpiece, Taehyung couldn't conceal the frustration in his tone.

"Uncle, it's been 20 minutes. Where is she?" he inquired, the cafe's ambient noise forming a backdrop to his growing discontent.

His uncle's response, stern and unwavering, cut through the air. "Taehyung-ah, stay put. I'll send you a picture of her. Don't make any hasty decisions."

Resigned, Taehyung nodded, his uncle's words carrying the weight of authority. The promise of a photograph became a lifeline in the sea of uncertainty. With a sigh, he steeled himself for what lay ahead, the cafe's atmosphere suddenly charged with the tension of unspoken revelations in the clandestine dance of his dual life.

As Taehyung lifted his eyes to the cafe's main door, a girl in a stunning office attire entered. She wore a beige-colored shirt paired with matching pants, carrying an office bag. Her heels clicked softly with each step, and her open, long hair added a touch of elegance to her appearance. Mesmerized, Taehyung couldn't help but be captivated by the grace and sophistication she exuded.

As Taehyung's gaze lingered on the captivating girl, his phone's notification interrupted the moment. Opening the message from his uncle, he discovered a picture – it was her, the same girl he had been admiring.

Their eyes met as she scanned the cafe, and in that soft moment, he unconsciously waved. Her gaze locked onto his, and a subtle smile graced her lips. As she walked closer, the rhythm of Taehyung's heart quickened, caught in the unexpected enchantment that had woven its way into their initial exchange.

Approaching him with a confident yet curious smile, she asked, "Excuse me, are you Kim Taehyung?" Taehyung, captivated by her presence, nodded in response.

She extended her hand and introduced herself, "I'm Y/N. Nice to finally meet you, Kim Taehyung." Taehyung reciprocated the handshake, his eyes holding a soft warmth as they exchanged their first names in the gentle hum of the cafe.

Under the enchanting spell of Y/N's presence, Taehyung found himself opening up in a way he hadn't before. The soft rhythm of their conversation unfolded naturally, and he began sharing anecdotes and cracking jokes with a newfound ease.

"So, a database engineer, huh? Does that mean you have all the secrets of the world stored somewhere?" he teased, a mischievous twinkle in his eyes.

Y/N chuckled, her laughter carrying a softness that resonated with authenticity. "If I did, I promise I'd use my powers for good."

As they settled into a nearby table, the soft ambiance of the cafe embraced them. Y/N initiated the conversation, "I must say, meeting someone like you was not what I expected. Your uncle mentioned you're in the tech and production business."

Taehyung, navigating the delicate balance of his dual identity, replied with a soft smile, "Yes, that's correct. I handle various aspects of the business."

Their conversation flowed seamlessly, exploring shared interests and exchanging soft laughter. Taehyung, torn between the complexities of his hidden life and the genuine connection budding before him, marveled at the enigma that was Y/N.

Their laughter echoed in the quiet corners of the cafe as Taehyung, usually reserved, allowed the soft camaraderie to take center stage. Y/N, oblivious to the double life he led, appreciated the unexpected warmth and humor that flowed from the usually composed businessman.

Shattered Illusions / kim Taehyung ff. حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن