Chapter 27: So That Went To Hell Pretty Quickly

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A/N: Iconic, lol. Also, it's finals week this week and next so BLEH and wish me luck haha! As always, let me know what you think!

Morning came early—far too early for someone who slept next to Leo and had to hear his nasal problems all night. She swore that he had some sort of deviated septum or something—whatever the hell that meant.

Up as early as she always was, Bellamy began her morning stretches and retrieved her small pack. Today she would be going out with Ben into the Maze.

There was a sort of peaceful quiet upon the Glade that morning though. And if she was smarter, Bellamy would've taken that as a sign of things about to go dreadfully wrong. But Bellamy was caught up in the monotony of her tasks.

Because she was comfortable. And being comfortable meant that you were likely to screw up or get killed when things went south. And that was something she did not remember.

There was a low mist that rested on the grass as Bellamy and Ben took off into the Maze, jogging side by side. Being in the Maze was all about pacing yourself. About being careful and taking your time.

Because however fast you needed to be—being too fast would get you killed. Being reckless and impulsive would get you killed.

"Hey Bell?"

"Yeah?" Bellamy breathed out, coming around the next turn and glancing in Ben's direction.

The two had conversations every now and then—it just wasn't usually this early into their runs.

"Do you ever think about your family?"


To be honest, the word felt foreign on Bellamy's tongue.

"Yeah, you know. Like if you had siblings or if your parents are still looking for you."

Bellamy frowned at the thought, pacing out her jog to match Ben's slower pace. "I guess I haven't really given it much thought. Why are you thinking about it?"

Ben gave a half-hearted shrug. "Chuck's been asking all these questions. About parents and stuff. I guess it kinda gave me some too."

She almost sighed. Chuck meant well—but she had seen how the boys in the Glade sometimes reacted to thinking about the possibilities of what was out there. And it wasn't a healthy thought process.

But she knew all too well that you could grieve something you didn't know.

"Well..." Bellamy paused, letting out a breath. "What are your questions?"

"I guess I just wonder how we can get our memories back. I guess if the Creators can take them, I'm wondering if they can give them back."

"That would require getting out of this godforsaken Maze first." Bellamy pointed out, coming to another turn.

This time, Ben completely stopped short. He looked like he had a heavy weight on his chest—and maybe metaphorically speaking, he did. Bellamy slowed, turning to face him. Ben was slow to start his next sentence.

"What if that's just it? What if we're not supposed to find a way out?" Ben mumbled, gaze falling onto the stony ground below.

Silently, Bellamy wondered which approach to go with. If Minho were here, he would've just slapped him upside the head and told him to keep moving. But his nonchalance and brushing things off didn't seem to be what Ben was seeking.

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