Chapter 2: Choosing Ceremony

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A/N: Feral child Bellamy meets feral teenage Bellamy....all good fun!  As always, let me know what you think :)

8 Years Later

Sixteen year-old Bellamy tapped her fingers against the table in front of her.  Anxious was not something she was.  Excited, on the other hand, would be the correct emotion.  Not that she was any good with those.

"Stop moving."

"Stop being so slow," Bellamy retorted. 

If she could've glanced behind in annoyance at Four, she would have.  But seeing as how he was the one currently braiding her hair, that was completely off the table.  His fingers moved nimbly and fast, an almost relaxing and comforting presence to her.

"It's the same thing every year."

"Yeah but the people are different every year." Bellamy stated pointedly. 

"And they're always at the same time.  You've never missed when they jump."

"Not yet." Bellamy corrected.  "Take any longer with my hair—"

"Well if you would've gotten up earlier, this wouldn't have taken so long."

"Well you're low-maintenance.  And a boy.  I don't expect you to care about your hair."

"You know," Four said, finishing the braid with a small tug.  She hissed in pain and shot him a nasty glare.  "I think I preferred it when you didn't care about your hair."

She turned, sticking her tongue out at him in annoyance.  "I'm adorable and you love me."

"Unfortunately," he stated in a dry tone.  "Now come on, up you go."

Bellamy bounded to her feet, eyes stopping on the mirror.  Four really had gotten better at braiding in the past year.  Thank God for that, because she was tired of looking like a rat or a baby bird who had fallen from its nest.

Her fingers lingered on the knives at her waist and she grinned, forcing a smile onto her face.  "Okay, now I'm ready to go."

Four dramatically and pointedly rolled his eyes.  "About damn time," he murmured, gesturing at the door.

She placed a hand over her heart and made a mock-touched expression.  "How sweet."

"Yeah, yeah." He glanced her way as they walked down the halls.  A small and almost imperceptible smile crossed his features.  "You need to calm down.  Your whole life in Dauntless and we can still read you like a book."

"Only because it's the Choosing Ceremony!  Two more years and then you all will be stuck with me for life!" Bellamy pointed out.

"Lucky Eric, I bet he can't wait."

"He'll try to get rid of me." Bellamy said in annoyance.

"You've annoyed him just as much as he annoys you.  The feelings are mutual there.  Just try not to linger too much with the recruits this time." Four said pointedly. 

An innocent smile appeared on her face.  "No promises, Four."

Walking down the halls with Four at her side, Bellamy felt an air of confidence that just bolstered her.  She had always been rather brash and confident on her own, but knowing that Four had her back had made her nearly insufferable to the rest of Dauntless.

Well, minus Tori.  But she had to put up with her anyway.

Bounding towards the front of the crowd that had gathered near the net, Eric let out a deep exhale at the sight of Bellamy.  "Not again."

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