Chapter 13: Back To Black

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A/N: Maybe my baby is too honest at always, let me know what you think!! Also, a glimpse of what's to come!

That night, Bellamy slept fitfully. Maybe it was the fact that Four's mother wasn't that far from her. Maybe it was the fact that she had her own room and it all just felt so out of place and wrong.

Either way, when dawn came, Bellamy was not rested. She found herself worrying about Griff and Vi—wondering if they had come together sooner and gotten past their differences, if they could have prevented all of this.

After all, they knew things that no one else knew. And the simple fact of the matter was that they needed one another.

Hair in a braid hanging down her back, Bellamy trekked across the rocks. Four led the way, as always. She stuck close to him, occasionally glancing back at Caleb, always in the back. He just wasn't cut out for being a fugitive.

As they climbed towards the top of the wreckage, he came to a stop. "I'm not coming with you guys."

At that, the trio spun, eyes landing on him. "What?" Tris asked.

"To Candor. I'm not coming with you guys." Caleb explained.

Bellamy really couldn't say that she was quite surprised by the turn of events. "What are you talking about?" Tris backtracked, coming closer to her brother.

Caleb let out a deep sigh. "What's your plan? You guys are going to find the rest of Dauntless, and then what? Attack Erudite? Assassinate Jeanine, start a civil war? I'm sorry—I'm—I'm just not cut out for that. I'm not like you guys."

Bellamy's eyes flicked to Four. He didn't seem all that surprised either. Tris got close to her brother, murmuring a few things to him.

Whatever her pitch, it didn't work. Caleb turned the other way, taking off on his own. Honestly, in Bellamy's eyes, that wasn't a bad thing. He was a liability. Something dangerous to the rest of them. As long as he was with them and couldn't take care of himself, it would have been like that.

It took the three of them a while to climb through the rest of the wreckage and get out of the underbelly of Chicago. Tris was tense the entire time, a determined look on her face.

Finally, Bellamy piped up. "You okay?"

"We need to get to Candor," Tris replied shortly.

Grabbing her arm gently, Four brought her to a stop. "Tris, I know you think that Caleb is your responsibility. But he made his own choice. You can't protect everyone."

"I can't protect anyone."

"Nobody can." Four said in a gentle tone.

Bellamy watched the two of them speak in soft tones, a slight pang reaching her chest. She had no one who cared for her selfishly, the way that Four cared for Tris.

"It's not your fault." Bellamy cut in. "You have to just move on from that."

It was easier said than done, but Tris finally gave a nod. They continued on, finally reaching the actual city. Bellamy's eyes were wide as she walked around. She hadn't really ever left Dauntless before.

To have been in a farm literally less than a full day previous, and then to have grown up in underground buildings in Dauntless—it was really quite amazing to see. Bellamy wasn't sure what she was expecting, but she wasn't aware that the world, or even the city, was quite this big.

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