Andrew nodded, a little confused with Ichechi's words and reactions. "Yes, he should be here."

"He's not. I can see mum walking right towards us." Ichechi said before getting up on his feet. Andrew looked in the direction Ichechi stared at and his heart sank for a second at the sight of the older woman. He stood up on his feet as she neared them. Hachi was nowhere to be seen.

Andrew wondered if Hachi lied or the plan was changed at the last minute. This was the longest time he'd gone without seeing or hearing from the one woman who has always wished him death since his birth. He'd somehow forgotten the little feeling of fear and nervousness that came over him whenever she was around.

Jennifer Bekwele was a woman of pride and entitlement. Her biggest life regret was her inability to stop her husband from taking a second wife. Traditionally, he was allowed. She'd never accepted the woman till this day.

She wore a long loose gown made with native material. Over her head, she wore a short straight wine coloured wig and held her hand bag in one hand. Her complexion was light and though without any makeup, she stood out with the radiant glow from her skin. Jennifer's strides increased as she drew closer to where they were. Her face had no smile. Her gaze fixated on her son. Ichechi didn't need a prophet to tell him how upset she was with him.

"Mum..." Ichechi called when she was finally in front of them. But she raised a hand to slap him on the face. He winced, shutting his eyes and expecting the slap. Instead, she hung her hand in the air and ferociously glared at him. Gradually, he opened his eyes to see her hand and his cheek was safe.

"Thank your God we're outside." She told him before letting her hand fall back to her side.

Andrew would've preferred to quietly disappear but he knew he couldn't. She was still older to him and her respect from him was inevitable.

"Good morning, ma'am." He greeted in a low voice, unable to steady his gaze on her.

She drifted her eyes from her son to Andrew. She looked him from up to down and back up.

"You let my son sleep under the same roof as you." Her voice was a little deeper than an average woman and her tone condescending.

Andrew looked from her to Ichechi and back to her. "It was late. I couldn't turn him away."

"Yes, you can." She shifted her gaze to her son. "It would've been better if he slept in a hotel."

Andrew's lips parted small in an attempt to say something. But almost immediately, he realised it was pointless. He remembered when she once burnt the birthday gift he got for Ichechi.

"It's not Andrew's fault. I ambushed him."

"Keep quiet!" His mum snapped. She slapped him hard on the arm. "I had to lie to your father about your whereabouts. Who told you it was okay for you to drop out from school?"

Ichechi rubbed his arm where she had hit him. "I had my reasons."

"Reasons my foot. We'll discuss this when we get home. Pick up your bag." She ordered him and he reluctantly took hold of it as she turned away to lead the way.

Ichechi looked at Andrew one more time. "Thank you and... I'm sorry." He told him in a low voice before following after his mother.

Andrew stifled a smile, grateful for Ichechi. Jennifer suddenly stopped and walked back to Andrew because she felt the need to give him a piece of her mind.

"When you left, I felt genuinely happy for the first time since you were born. Please, keep it that way. One of these days, take your mother with you." Jennifer turned away and kept walking. She walked past Ichechi who wore a frown knowing full well from history that his mum must've said something mean to Andrew. He didn't condone it but he did very little to stop it. He looked at Andrew with apologetic eyes before he turned away.

Andrew watched them go. She had been mean to him all his life that he thought one day, they wouldn't have an effect on him ever again. He'll almost become immune to it. But no. Though he appeared calm, it always infuriated him. He never once engaged them in a battle of words or fists because one, they were older than him and two, it would become a never-ending vicious circle. He used to hope one day, they would applaud his restraint and see him for the nice person he was. But... Andrew now knows it was never going to happen.

Andrew glued his eyes to the screen of the monitor in front of him. Somehow, he'd managed to get to the office on time. Ever since, he hasn't left his seat and gave his full attention to his work. His mum called a few times. Each time, he ignored it and eventually turned off his phone. He wasn't in the mood to answer her questions or listen to her rant about how Jennifer and her kids are jealous hence their reason for treating him like such an outcast. Andrew was trying really hard not to dwell on the thought of what recently happened. After all, everyone mustn't like you. In his case, it was members of his family. Yet, Andrew was determined not to dwell on the thought and the drab feelings it brought with it.

Again, Bola, his colleague, snapped her fingers in front of him. "Hellooo, is anyone home?"

This time, he lifted his eyes to her and was a little puzzled.

She stared at him, a light frown between her brows. "Are you okay? I called you and you didn't notice."

Andrew looked from her to Ebube, his other colleague who stood closer to the door with his arms folded below his chest.

Andrew forced a faint smile. "I'm fine. Do you need anything?"

Bola's frown didn't quite disappear. She was neither buying his reply nor smile. Yet, she wasn't about to bombard him with questions because, maybe his troubles were private and they weren't exactly friends outside of the workspace.

"I asked if you weren't going to go for lunch. It's time."

Andrew looked at the time on his monitor. Time had gone by quicker than he thought. He lifted his eyes back to her. "I'm okay. You can go without me."

Bola exchanged a look with Ebube. "Really? You're not coming?"

Andrew shook his head and forced another faint smile. "I'm not hungry."

Both stared at him a little longer, somewhat aware that something was off about him. "Okay, in case you change your mind. We'll keep a seat for you at the table." Ebube expressed while Bola walked towards him.

Andrew nodded to his words and the two soon left the office. He returned to his fixation with work.

Late that evening, Andrew was the last to leave the office. With no work to distract him, his thoughts and emotions were a push away from breaking the dam he subconsciously used to hold them back. Right outside the building, he stopped for no specific reason and stared ahead. He saw Ijeawele's car and stared at it. He hadn't seen her all day. Did she care? He wondered. She did stand him up the previous evening. Perhaps, he has always been too ahead of himself.

"I wondered if you came to work."

Andrew turned his head to Ijeawele who'd just gotten to the space beside him without him having heard her steps prior. He stared at her. All day, he hadn't seen her. All day, he battled against emotionally collapsing. Now... here she was.

Ijeawele rolled her lips in for a moment and couldn't quite steady her gaze on him. Not like the way he was doing now. Perhaps, it was the guilt from having stood him up.

"I never promised you anything. You started the dinner talk and... something about waiting at the bus stop. I never said yes or... okay. So, if you stood all night, you can't blame me."

Andrew knew she didn't have to speak to him. She didn't even need to explain herself. She could've walked right past him, got into her car and drove away. But... here she was.

Suddenly, he took the next few steps to her and wrapped his arms around her, closing any gap between them. For the next few seconds, Ijeawele stood frozen because she hadn't expected an embrace from him. Still, she didn't have it in her to push him away. The craziest part was she contemplated on whether to wrap her arms around his waist and completely accept him.

Ijeawele felt her heart racing behind her chest. Along with this new feeling, she was riddled with fear and nervousness.

"Thank you for caring," Andrew said. The dam in his subconsciousness finally broke and he was more than grateful for her.

Hi guys! Thank you for patiently waiting another week for this update. Vote or comment if you would like. I appreciate it.

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