Part 2 - Killer in my veins

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"All I got with me was a sent file of his face. Would it go through? Could people see it? Or would they die in the same fate as me? Yet, my son Jim is still alive. Could I save him this time?"

It was almost all dreamlike with the terrifying darkness and the calming lighting shining over us and exposing our meeting to the dark void of the room. "You think I don't know about your past Mr. Parkings? I've been observing you for years Parkings and I know exactly how much you want your revenge" he said as he put down his cigarette and stood up. His aura was all dead serious and my heart was pulsing with fear but also comfort.

Was this the right path? Was I making the right choice? Yet, I must avenge my long-dead mother and kill that horrible man, no matter what.

With the brutal pain in my head and my shaky hand almost bleeding I agreed and shook his hand in unexpected agreement. My revenge will get me to be a killer, but it's all worth it if it means I could kill the man who took the life of my mother.

I could eventually leave the place with no suspects or police involved. It was quite lucky for me despite just signing an assassination contract with my deadly boss. Still, this wasn't something I could run away from now. This was it; I would kill the man and get my revenge.

Days after the actual murder the police couldn't find anything, and it had been no sign of the killer anywhere or even anyone remotely close to him almost like he had vanished out of existence. How do you find a person who doesn't exist? Yet I agreed to this, and it wasn't long after that I got to meet him again.

A strange invitation had arrived days earlier at my apartment about a heist in a secret deep building in a valley. Yet it wasn't somewhere even remotely close to where I lived. But still, I needed more answers and by dawn, I headed out and walked to the place in the cold empty night. There were still not many people outside and it made me have an easy feeling on the way there with just a couple of wrong turns. I had not gone out for quite a while except for work, and I barely knew how the city was, yet I found the place quickly.

As I approached the dark alley a strange black door could be seen in the distance almost like a dot in the blur. But comfort would be seen as I got to the door and saw Roy standing by the corner smoking again. His eyes and aura were serious as always and we didn't say anything to each other. A black rusty key could be entered into the keyhole of the dark wooden door, and it slowly opened with a gnashing sound coming from it and a big wave of air would push me into the face as I could barely see anything inside of it.

But there wasn't much to see inside anyway as I realized it was just an elevator inside. We both entered as the door opened and Roy pressed the code, 1998 4852. The elevator doors quickly went shut and with a loud smashing sound they closed, and the elevator started going down at a fast speed almost causing the floor to rumble and making my whole body shiver from head to toe.

"Mr. Parkings have you ever wielded a gun?" he asked me loud and clear and quite cheerfully. But who would ask something like this just out of the blue? I knew I wouldn't trust this guy, yet it seems like he only wants to help me, but why? "No no no I wouldn't never" I playfully and nervously said back to him as the elevator stopped. The Floor numbers? Minus 98. As the door opened, and I stepped out it was like something I could never imagine myself being in. It was frightening and made my body shiver and my breathing harder. How far underground were we? The place was large with strange dark chairs, deadly weapons, and much more yet I felt isolated with no one except me and Roy in the empty armory. But much more could be seen as I got further in.

A big poster wall could be seen to the side with the same poster on it again and again and again all showing a man with a black mask and white hair and under it said Rim, dead or alive. Was this the killer? Was this the man we were looking for? "We have searched for this man for ages Jim. If you can't find him then no one can Jim" he said with a stern voice as he slowly approached me and put his hand on my cold shoulder.

"We?" I asked him, he had never said anything about working with other people before except for the job, could this be a betrayal? Why haven't I seen them yet? "You thought you were working alone on this Mr. Parkings? You may want to have some teammates to work with. 20 members in total, 4 different camps across Japan. Our camp is E4852 with now 5 members, remember that" he replied, the ground was almost shaking from my trembling legs, and I looked out into space and crawled down to my knees.

What had I gotten into? I thought this was just some easy joke or something but no, this is for real. I...will become a killer. But I needed to. No matter how many people I would need to kill, how many friends I need to lose, or how many betrayals I need to go through, I will do it, I will get my revenge. I stood up strong on my shaky legs and looked straight through his soul with my dark red eyes. "Murdering people is madness, killing someone in madness is justice. I will get my revenge Roy" I said to him loud and clear. I knew my limits and I couldn't do anything today. I calmly turned away and walked out. "You may meet me here tomorrow, same this Jim" I could hear him say behind me as I left.

The next is pain. Had gotten a strange fever and couldn't go to work. It was a long time since I was this sick and it wouldn't get any better throughout the day. Was it something with the last night? Whatever it was it was better for me to stay inside. But the urge came to me to not go to the alley. I would feel regret and fear, but how? Boss told me too, and I wouldn't want to disobey him. Still, I was scared. Yet I came back to the dark alley early at night, but it was my biggest regret. As the door of the elevator came open, the slight moonlight shivered into it like a calming protection, and the streets were the darkest and the birds were the quietest. I came down the old elevator, with my fists ready I took a gulp, and looked at the orange numbers go down, one by one like a clock counting down. Like a countdown to whatever was coming, maybe even a warning, yet it was only a feeling. the feeling of curiosity and regret. And as the doors came open I stepped out with my shaky legs. I saw the spilled blood on the floor.

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