Argos Miner #7903: Park Jimin

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System: Narion

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System: Narion

Faction: Freestar Collective

Planet: Vectera, the moon of Anselon

Place: Argos Extractors Mining Outpost



Day 256

Jimin hated rocks more than he hated spinach.

Every direction he turned his head, he saw rocks, rocks, and more rocks. Working in the Vectera mines made him want to kill himself more than usual, but it wasn't like he had a choice. After all, 260 days working in a mine was his punishment for being a repeated offender of numerous crimes prohibited by the Freestar Collective.

Jimin had no one to blame but himself. After all, he had been the one to accept the smuggling job to Akila despite how he had never been to Akila before. How was he supposed to know he'd get scanned before entering the city? How was he supposed to know his entire criminal record would catch up to him and land him working in a mine? Sure, it beat being behind bars, but he was doing free manual labor. Jimin's pretty hands didn't deserve that.

The mining cutter in his grasp spewed out a scarlet laser that acted as one of two light sources in the tiny hole. The other was Jimin's helmet light. The oxygen didn't circulate that low below the surface of the Vectera moon, therefore he had to keep a deep mining spacesuit on at all times. That meant hiding his perfect face.

Alright, Jimin changed his mind: he'd rather be in an actual prison.

The mine was gigantic, but Jimin had been assigned to a tiny sliver of it. He was in a circular hole that was below the main level of the mine. There were clusters of iron and aluminum all around him, and it was his job to harvest every ounce of it he could. Then, he'd return to the bunks, eat his slop, and pass out until the next shift came.

But it was day 256. Four more days until he could return home to Neon and vow to never venture off-world again. Unless he was offered an obscene amount of credits, of course.

"Dusty," a male voice said from above Jimin. He barely heard it over the thunderous 'bzzzz' of his cutter.

Jimin shut it off and glanced up. "I've been working here for over two-hundred days. Will you ever stop calling me that?"

The man above him, Heller, extended his gloved hand to help Jimin up. "Never. Boss wants to see you. Something about a special assignment."

"Special means dangerous, doesn't it?" Jimin asked, but it was more of a statement. Heller didn't bother answering.

Jimin joined Heller in the main section of the mine. It was an expansive space with VAS model robots trotting around. They had lanky arms and a boxy head that was always painted the same color as his mining laser. They made metallic 'thump... thump' sounds as they stomped by. Most of them were carrying hefty bags of minerals they had gathered.

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