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* sorry these stupid photos aren't working rn so Idek what's up there. Sorry for the short chapter and also I kinda forgot some stuff from the last chapter so like if I messed something up pls leave a comment I will fix it Ty all for reading and have a great day!!!

Amanda: "Correct! The total came out to be five dollars and three cents"

(I don't think it did lol I'm not mathematically advanced)

Amanda: "It's so much fun to buy your own ice cream! Let's see the flavors" She speeds to the counter.

Wooly looks upset as ever. You wonder what you could say or do to help him feel better but you really don't know him very well. It has felt like months (my bad guys it has been months) since you've been stuck in here with him yet you feel you know nothing. Everyday is almost the same and it's not like he likes to talk about his past or really anything about himself... and he's just kinda sassy like sorry I didn't ask you what ice cream flavor you like please get over it.

Amanda: "Can I get mint chocolate chip please?" She requests sweetly to the quiet ice man thing.

The uncanny man scoops the green ice into the cone in a slow almost mechanical way.

Amanda: "Thank you!"

Wooly walks to the counter and makes his decision

Wooly: "Can I get strawberry ice cream"

The ice cream man starts scooping the strawberry ice cream. You thought Wooly wanted peach ice cream you start to wonder why he didn't order it.

W: "Thank you." He added.

You gaze into the colorful freezer of different ice cream flavors.

Y/n: "Can I have vanilla please"

He scoops your cone

Y/n: "Thank you, I appreciate it"

Poor guy. to be forever stuck working in the food industry.

Everyone gets there ice cream and sits down at a blueish grey circle table.

You watch Amanda happily enjoy her ice cream and try to talk to Wooly who's also licking his treat yet clearly doesn't look as content.

Y/n: "So umm.. I didn't know you like strawberry??"

Wooly: "No. Not really"

Y/n: "Why did you get it then."

W: "I just wanted to try something new. Why do you care?"

Y/n: "oh um.. sorry"

Amanda: "Mmm, I love getting ice cream! But now it's getting late, let's go back home"

You look outside the window and see how gray and sad it is outside. Just minutes ago it was brightly lit and warm. Amanda starts walking to the door so you and Wooly catch up with her.

The world looks strangely normal when it's sad outside, other than the lack of buildings. You cross the street while still finishing your ice cream cone. Amanda's ahead of you leading us home.

You make it to the front door and all enter inside the house.

Amanda: "Today has been pretty tiring, It's would be good for all of us to just relax now." She says waltzing into her room.

You take a seat on the brown couch in the empty grey living room. The sofa is still littered with crayons and drawings. But it doesn't bother you since today has been way to exhausting.

Wooly sits down next to you.

Wooly: "Y/n. Who's Sam?"

You don't know who Sam is yourself so how can you even respond to that.

Y/n: "Oh..I don't know" you sigh not thinking much of it.

Wooly: "What made you say that to Amanda then?"

Y/n: "Well.. um it's hard to explain-"

He cuts you off.

Wooly: "Just tell me."He responds passive aggressively.

Y/n "I don't really.. know who Sam is.. I um. I only said whatever the barn said.. like do you get what I mean??"

Wooly: "No, I don't get what you mean because barns can't speak y/n."

Wow, he still wants to be like that.

you bite back

Y/n: "Well, Sheep can't speak either Wooly."

he pauses shocked and speechless. That was harsh. You're usually very calm and composed but something in you in this moment felt really angry. You decided to speak your mind.

Y/n: "And that barn did fucking speak to me, but you wouldn't listen. You said I could trust you and that we would find a way out of this place but whenever I find something that might help us escape.. you avoid it by any means necessary! How can I trust someone who doesn't even trust me."

Wooly: "Y/n... I.. you don't understand.. listen."

Y/n "No I'm not listening asshole, you've been a dick to me all day and I've just dealt with it."

You get up and walk to his bedroom.

Y/n: "You can sleep on the couch."

Wooly x reader 😈😈🐑Where stories live. Discover now