I got the new forgis on the jeep

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You both walk across the hall to Wooly's room. When you look down the passage way, you see that Amanda's back on the couch. In her hands, you notice she's reading a children's book. You wonder how a kids book made its way into a kids  show. (NOT A KISS SHOW SORRY)Weird. You catch a glimpse of the cover, and see it's the story, "The Pied Piper". That book always scared you as a kid. You had dreams of the Piper stealing you away from home. You realize your nightmare came true, you've been Pied Piper'd into the tape. You walk behind Wooly into his room.

It's looks the same as the night before, except his bed looks disheveled. There were blankets and pillows all over the floor. You didn't realize you left his bed so untidy. That was a bad habit of yours.

Y/n: "Oh my god, sorry... about the mess."

You were surprised when Wooly started laughing.

Wooly: "No, It's okay. That's so funny, my sister does the same thing."

Y/n: "You have a sister?"

Either you asked him too quietly, so he didn't hear you or he just didn't bother to answer. He starts to pick up some stuff off the ground. Embarrassingly, you help pick up some of the pillows and blankets too. You both neatly remake his bed. Wooly takes a seat at his desk. You sit on the bed. You decide to ask Wooly more questions.

Y/n : "Wooly, who are you?" It was a rather blunt question. After you said it, you realized it was pretty rude to ask.

Wooly: "What do you mean? I'm Wooly." He says confused.

Y/n : "No like, who actually are you. Have you always been in this place, or did you get stuck here like me?"

Wooly: "No. I've always been here..."

Y/n : "And where's your family? Do you have a mom or dad? You have a sister right?"

Wooly: " Yes, of course I do. I just don't remember where they are." He says mildly overwhelmed.

You keep on interrogating him.

Y/n: "Is there anyone else here other than you and Amanda?"

Wooly: "I'm.. Not sure anymore." He says confused.

Y/n : "Do you—" He stops you.

Wooly: "Please, I don't know—Baaha."

Wooly: "I can't remember a lot. I.. just don't want to talk about that right now." He looks away from you.

You didn't realize how disturbed he must feel from all the questions your asking him. If he's really just a characters in a kids tv show he probably isn't programmed to think about stuff like this. You think that it must be a lot for him. You decide to apologize.

Y/n : "Wooly.. I'm sorry. I didn't think about how much this for you too."

Wooly: "It's okay. Just promise me...."

he took a pause for a moment. Likely trying to find the right words to say.

Wooly: "... that you'll stop saying sorry. You say way too often." He's says smiling again.

Y/n : "Okay.. Wooly" You says half smiling.

Y/n : "Would you like to hear some stuff about me then?"

Wooly: "Sure, I'd like that"

First you tell him the basic stuff. Like your birthday, your family, and whatever. And then you get to the important stuff.

Y/n : "Last week, my Aunt Kate went missing. You met her right?

Wooly : "Yes—Baaha. she was the librarian."

Y/n : " I received a letter from her awhile ago. I guess she passed her house in Kensdale to me. Im still a minor, but when I'm old enough—" He cuts you off.

Wooly : "Kensdale? How is.. Kensdale."

Y/n : "Umm... it's the same as it's always been, just a small suburban town."

Wooly: "It sounds, familiar."

Y/n : "Yeah, I lived there when I was younger. I moved away a long time ago. My parents got worried when kids started disappearing.

You change the subject back to the letter.

Y/n: "So.. the letter she sent, it told me I should look some VHS tapes in her attic. I assumed she wanted me to see all the old memories of us and whatever. Until I found.. the tapes"

Y/n : "That's how I ended up here."

Wooly stares at you blankly. Almost like your story wasn't interesting enough.

Wooly: "What about the kids? Where they ever found?" He asks.

Y/n : "I don't think so. "

You change the subject again because your so done with talking about missing people.

Y/n : "You know it's really weird. When Amanda asks me questions these lines show up and the world freezes. That doesn't happen when I talk to you"

Wooly : "Only Amanda does that. It's because she's the main character"

You look at the clock on the desk and see it's 2:30.
Although, it still feels like the morning.

You ask him one last question, trying to be more polite this time. 

Y/n : "Do you like it here Wooly?"

He paused for a second without answering. His tone was a lot quieter too.

Wooly : "I'm not sure. Something feels, off here."

Wooly x reader 😈😈🐑Where stories live. Discover now