Boy wat da hell

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Notes - you are y/n and you got an aunt named Kate. These are also not my original characters. Creds to Amanda the adventurere

"What are these old things?" You sigh under your breath. As you stare you see a couple of grimy old tapes in a brown box. Some normal ones with labels like "summer 97'"and others that are... different. Last week, your Aunt Kate disappeared. The sweet librarian across street, the one you knew all your life, just gone. There was no trace of her disappearance other than a note she sent you to request coming here. As you look into the ragged box you find there's more tapes. With one being different though. You read the label aloud, "Amanda the Adventure?" You don't remember that show. You mutter, "Just sounds like a low budge Dora." You decide the take the tape out and insert it into the boxy television in-front of you. "Okay Amanda let's see, who you are." You turn the tv on.

Static bursts through the screen of the decrepit television. Unknowingly, your way too close to the tv as your now blinded from the bright- flashing colors. As you pull back from the television and attempt to look away. Something drags you forwards. it feels as if a hand is grabbing your chest and pulling you towards the screen. Blinded and surprised you try to pull away but eventually you give in to this force. You close your eyes and just pray your dreaming.

Unknown: "Hello... do you know who you are?? Please wake up."

You hear a unknown voice. And feel someone tapping you. Even with your eyes closed, you can feel something really bright is in your face. Almost like your still staring into that tv. In a daze, you grasp at whoever's coaxing you to wake up. You feel something really warm and fuzzy, similar to a Sherpa hoodie you like to wear in the winter. That's really surprising, it's feels so humid outside. I could never wear something like that in this weather. As you open your eyes you realize you aren't really outside. But your not inside either. You see a bright cartoony land. In a place where there's neon blue skies and eyeballs on jittery clouds.

"AHHCK WHAT TH—!", You shriek as two black hooves cover your mouth. You look as your now facing the.. sheep?

"SHHH! be quiet... or she'll hear you." A fuzzy, white sheep whispers to you.

You don't listen and exclaim, "Where am I! Oh my god.. what happened! have I've gone crazy? Am I.. TALKING TO SHEEP!??" The sheep grabs you and pulls you closer.

"Please, listen to me, and calm down. You're okay now." You take his advice and start to look around.

You notice how synthetic and fake the grass looks. And the longer you stare, you see more and more odd things. There are many buildings, all swaying left and right with bouncy eyes on them. it's peculiarly empty in this town. Theres no other people or.. animals. Just then you notice what your doing. You were so surprised you didn't realize you were so close to the sheep, practically tugging him. Flustered you back away.

Y/n : "Who.. or what are you."

The sheep responds. "Uhh.. Baaha, I'm Wooly."

You question him again "How are you speaking?."

Wooly: "Umm, I'm not sure. I guess I just can."

Y/n : " Ok Wooly, do you know where I am."

Wooly: "You're here... and it's crazy, I have't see anyone new here in forever."

Y/n "There's others?"

Wooly: "There used to BAahh. It's only me and Amanda now."

Y/n : "How did I get here." You look down at your hands, and notice their basically the same except your skin is more saturated, just like everything in this game.

Wooly: "I just saw you laying on the road, so I dragged you over to a sidewalk and woke you up."

Y/n " Wait.. did you say Amanda?"

Wooly: "Yes? Why?"

Y/n "It was the tape in my Aunts attic, Amanda the Adventurer. The dumb kids show. Oh my god, am I really inside the tape."

Wooly: "What-do you mean?"

Y/n " Wooly, we're inside the show. Amanda's show. Wow this is so weird."

Wooly x reader 😈😈🐑Where stories live. Discover now