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Notes- I'm rly upset because I wrote like half this chapter already by for some reason it didn't save so I just rewrote quickly. Sorry y'all. I always want to thank everyone for reading and all the nice comments it really makes my day. 💗💗

You start to follow her outside the house. While leaving you make sure to keep your cell phone hidden. You and Wooly agreed to keep it a secret from Amanda because you both don't know how she'll react to it. (Truly yo don't want her to become an iPad kid.)

The neighborhood is the same as it always is. It's just filled with vibrant colors and cartoony eyes on everything. The three of you walk to the zoo in silence.

Amanda: "Wow! We made it to the petting zoo. There are so many animals here for us to play with." She says happily.

Wooly: "There sure are—Baaahh"

Amanda: "Did you hear that? Wooly just made an animal sound. He said "baaa" because he is a sheep. Y/n, can you make a sound like sheep?"

You weren't excepting that to be a question. It's not really a bad thing.. just odd. You look at Wooly. He looks really surprised by that too. It's kinda funny. But you wonder if it's rude to baaa at a lamb.

Y/n : "Baa" you say quickly.

Amanda: " That's great, you sound just like Wooly! Hahaha!"

Wooly: he laughs uncomfortably "Wow.. yeah. You sound just like me."

Amanda gets back on track.

Amanda: " It's fun to spend time with animals. They're very different from humans." She says glancing at Wooly.

You glance at him too, he looks content that Amanda said it's fun to spend time with him.

Amanda: "They look different and don't talk like people."

Never mind 💀

Wooly: "Amanda, I'm an animal and I—"

She raises her hand for him to stop.

Amanda: "Animals don't talk silly!"

She changes the subject.

Amanda: "How about we look at these signs. Let's make sounds like the animals on these signs!"

Amanda starts to make excessive animal noises. You decide that now an appropriate time to talk to Wooly.

Y/n: " Wooly.. you're not different. She's just trying to bother you." You try speak over the obnoxious animal noises Amanda's creating.

Wooly: "No she's right, I am different." He says looking down.

You can't really think of anything to say that would comfort him because Amanda's right. Wooly is different.

You reach for his hand but he pulls it away.


Amanda finishes all her impressions.

Amanda: " That was fun! Animals make funny sounds."

She pauses

Amanda: "Y/n, do you have a family?" She asks looking towards you.

The world freezes and three lines appear in-front of you. 

You did have a family, before you got stuck here. Who knows if you'll ever see them again. But you can't tell her that.. she's just a kid.

Wooly x reader 😈😈🐑Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt