The Parents

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Bolded names are those from the future
Lupin: Past Remus
Remus: Future Remus

The next morning, during breakfast, Sirius watched in amusement as his godson stared at Ginny. Every time Ginny looked his way, Harry would pretend to look at something else. But the moment she looked away, Harry would look at her again.

"Ugh." Reggie groaned, setting his fork down. "As if the two of you don't stare at each other enough back home. You better not start snogging. I'd like to keep my breakfast down."

Everyone stopped talking and turned to look at Reggie, who was watching Harry in disgust.

"Huh?" Harry asked, clearly confused. It was then that Sirius realized his godson probably didn't even realize he was staring at Ginny.

"You won't stop staring at Ginny." Reggie said as if it were obvious. "It's like you're undressing her with your eyes."

Ron choked on his sausage and Hermione had to pat him on the back several times. Sirius, who had just taken a sip of water, just about spit it out. Tonks snorted and Teddy laughed. Both Remus and Lupin smiled behind their hands. Arthur looked uncomfortable, as did all the Weasley boys. Molly tried to pretend she didn't hear what Reggie said, while Jessie glared at him. Meanwhile, Harry and Ginny both turned a deep shade of red.

"I didn't...I wasn't...I never..." Harry spluttered.

"Yeah you were." Reggie argued.

Just then, there was a very large crash. Everyone jumped, and all the adults drew their wands as the shouts of Sirius's mother filled the house.


"SHUT UP!" Someone roared. "Bloody hell, Sirius, I forgot what a pain in the arse your mother was."

Several eyes widened at the unfamiliar voice, but Remus just laughed, immediately lowering his wand.

"Don't be rude, Ronald." Another voice said.

"I'm not being rude, Hermione. You know who's being rude? Sirius's mother!"


"Don't worry about it, Hermione." Another, very familiar voice said. "You know very well how I feel about my mother." Everyone from the past turned to Sirius, but he seemed to be in just as much shock as they were.

"Alright," A voice that sounded like Tonks said. "Let's just get the children and get out of here."

Footsteps could be heard outside the kitchen and all the adults from the past stood up, wands ready. There was another crash, this one much closer.

"Stupid umbrella stand." The Tonks voice muttered. "Put that smirk away, Ron."

Young Ron looked up, his eyes wide. He hadn't done anything.

The door was pushed open and a group of very familiar, yet also different, people walked in. It didn't take long for the children's shouts to fill the room.





The children from the future jumped up and rushed forward, throwing themselves in the adults arms. Rose went strait for Ron while Hugo ran to Hermione. Teddy and Jessie went to hug their mother, while Remus stood up to join them. Reggie hesitated for a moment, but the moment his father opened his arms, he rushed into them.

Sirius pulled his son into a fierce hug, before releasing one arm and gesturing for James, Al and Lily. The three Potter children took off running and Sirius released his son so that he could catch them.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 15 ⏰

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