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Later that afternoon, Albus Dumbledore thought it would be a wise idea to have another order meeting, this one including the adults from the future. So after sending the children out of the room, he had Remus use the mirror to contact future Harry. Using magic, he made it so that the faces of everyone on the other side of the mirror were projected on the wall for everyone to see, while Harry did the same on the other end.

"Bloody hell." Sirius muttered as he looked at his future Godson. "You got old."

Remus and Lupin both rolled their eyes but Harry just laughed, a sound that was almost foreign to those in the past. Sirius tried to remember the last time he had heard his Godson laugh and it broke his heart to realize that it wasn't very often.

Lupin was thinking along the same lines as his friend. During Harry's third year, when he taught at Hogwarts, he often saw Harry laughing and joking around with his friends. But since bringing Harry to Grimmauld Place the previous summer, he had only seen him laugh a few times. But then again, he and Sirius both used to laugh all the time before the deaths of James and Lily. War changed people. Especially when you were in the middle of one.

"If I'm old, then you're ancient." Harry quipped, causing Sirius's jaw to drop. He tried to remember the last time he had heard his Godson joke around. He wasn't sure he ever had.

"I mean, at least I still have all my hair."

The table broke into a round of laughter as they watched Sirius pale at the thought of being bald. The laughter only grew when they watched future Sirius, who despite what Harry said, most definitely had all his hair, walk over to his Godson and playfully smack him on the head. "Oy." He complained. "Stop telling lies. Besides, you're the one who found some grey hairs the other day."

Harry glared. "Yeah, because you decided it would be a great idea to pull a prank while I was sleeping. You're the one who actually has grey hair, not me."

Future Sirius pouted. "Just you wait. Give it another five years or so and you'll be sporting grey hair too."

Harry opened his mouth to argue but was cut of by Albus Dumbledore, who had let out a small chuckle. "The two of you talk as if having grey hair is a bad thing." He said with a smile.

Snape rolled his eyes. "If Potter and the mutt are done acting like dunderheads, perhaps we could get on with the meeting. I for one, do not wish to be here all day."

"Now, Severus." Dumbledore said calmly. "Let them have a bit of fun. Look around. You seem to be the only one not enjoying the playful banter."

"Yeah, Sniv...ow. That's my foot, Harry."

Everyone was silent for a moment, until Dumbledore broke the silence, his voice as cheerful as ever. "I have been looking into ways to send the children and Remus back to their time, however I have not had any luck so far. I was hoping maybe you did."

Harry sighed, the smile from before fading. "We're working on it, but we haven't had any luck so far. We aren't giving up, but it might be a while."

Albus smiled. "Try not to worry. I'm sure we will figure something out in no time. Until then, the children couldn't be safer."

Sirius from the future snorted. "Couldn't be safer? Really Albus? They're in the middle of a war!"

"I understand that, but I assure you that Grimmauld place is safe."


The shouts were followed by heavy footsteps running down the stairs, almost like a herd of angry hippogriffs.

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