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Lupin sighed as he poured himself his third glass of firewhisky. Normally, he wasn't one to drink, especially this early in the morning, but after what he had heard the previous night, he couldn't help but make an exception.

Harry had been abused. The son of two of the best friends he had ever had. The baby boy who he used to dote on. The teenager he had taught in his third year. How hadn't he seen it? He had spent an entire year teaching him. How hadn't he noticed?

Harry had been abused, and the worst part about it was that he had to pretend he didn't know. How the hell was he supposed to do that? How could he face Harry in the morning and pretend like everything was okay when he knew it wasn't?

The door to the kitchen creaked open, revealing a pale teenager with messy black hair. His eyes were red and puffy, making it obvious that he had been crying.

"Harry?" Lupin said gently. "Are you okay?"

Harry jumped, as if startled by his presence. "I...erm...yeah, I'm fine." He lied as he lowered his gaze to the floor.

Lupin vanished the glass of firewhisky, before grabbing two new cups and starting a pot of hot chocolate. "Sit down, Harry." He said in a tone that he hoped was gentle. "I was just going to make myself a cup of hot chocolate. Why don't you join me?"

Okay, so that was a lie. He hadn't planned on making himself a cup of hot chocolate. Not until now, at least. But Harry didn't need to know that. The teenager didn't need to know that his old professor was trying to drown his sorrows in a glass of firewhisky.

Harry hesitated for a moment before pulling out a chair and taking a seat. Lupin watched out of the corner of his eye as the boy fidgeted nervously and he resisted the urge to sigh. This was going to be difficult.

Placing a cup of hot chocolate in front of Harry, and one in front of the spot which he had been sitting, Lupin then took a seat. He wrapped his fingers around the warm mug and tapped his fingers against the glass as he thought of something to say. "Are you sure you're okay?" He finally asked.

"Fine." Harry mumbled.

"Really?" He found himself asking. "Because if you stare at that mug any harder, I think you may drill a hole into it." The moment the words left his mouth, he instantly regretted them. He really was horrible at this. He wondered how his future self managed to make it look so easy.

He looked at Harry and saw a mixture of sadness and fear. He looked so young in that moment and it broke Lupin's heart. He didn't deserve this. He didn't deserve any of this. He should be able to live a normal childhood with people who loved him and without a maniac out to kill him.

"I get it." Lupin finally sighed. "If you don't feel comfortable talking to me, I completely understand. If you want we can wait for Sirius. I'm sure he'll be up soon."

Maybe that's for the best. Lupin thought. Sirius would know what to say.

"No." Harry mumbled. "I...he won't understand."

Yeah he will. Lupin thought sadly. Of all the people in this house right now, Sirius would understand what Harry was going through better than anyone. But he wasn't sure Harry knew that. He had no idea how much Sirius had told Harry about his family, if anything at all.

"You know, don't you?"

The words caught Lupin by surprise. "I...what?"

Harry stared at his feet, refusing to look up at him, but Lupin could still tell he was scared even if he couldn't see his eyes. "I saw you, you know. Last night, outside the drawing room."

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