Story Time

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It didn't take Molly long to come up with sleeping arrangements for their guests. As it turned out, there was one bedroom, other than the one that belonged to Sirius's brother, which wasn't being used. It was dusty but with a bit of cleaning it was okay enough for Remus and Teddy to stay in. As for the children, there were several sleeping bags set up on the drawing room floor. Each one was made more comfortable with magic and was made to stay extra warm, courtesy of Molly who felt bad that they didn't have enough beds.

Lily was the first to fall asleep. One minute she was listening to the adults talk and the next thing everyone knew, her face was in her dessert.

"Oh Dear." Molly chuckled. "It looks like someone is tired."

"It's only 7:00." Ron frowned. He didn't quite remember his bedtime at that age, but he knew it was later than that.

"She's had a long day." Remus said, as he stood from his chair and made his way over to Lily. "According to Harry, she was up at four in the morning, jumping on their bed and asking to open presents."

This got a smile out of everyone in the room, especially Molly. "Ginny was the same way." She told the room. "All our children were. I'm sure Harry was probably the same at that age as well. I think most kids are."

Nobody noticed the slightly pained expression on Harry's face at those words. Nobody, that is, except for Remus. He knew very well that Harry had never had the chance to experience that type of childhood. It was one of the reasons Harry worked so hard to make sure his own children had an enjoyable childhood.

Remus slowly lifted the little girls head from the plate and gently wiped her face, before picking her up, one arm under her back and the other under her legs. Lily stirred, but didn't wake. Instead she burrowed deeper into Remus's chest and wrapped her arms around his neck.

"Who knew you had such a paternal side to you, Remus." Sirius smirked.

Lupin turned a bit red at his friends comment, but Remus just smiled. "Well after two kids of my own I guess it just comes naturally."

"Turned you soft, have they?"

Tonks punched her cousin in the shoulder. "I think it's sweet." She said, before turning back to Remus. "Ignore him."

Remus laughed. "Oh, I don't know. I'd say they made you pretty soft, too."

"Me?" Sirius scoffed. "Never."

"You keep telling yourself that, old friend." Remus grinned. "But that doesn't change the fact that you've gone soft. In fact, you cried harder than your wife the day Reggie was born."

Sirius turned red. "I..."

"Then you cried with Harry the day James was born, going on and on about how it seemed like only yesterday when Harry was that small."

This time it was Harry who turned red, while Ron laughed.

"And again when Albus was born, because he looked just like Harry did as a baby." Remus continued. "And don't even get me started on the day Lily was born."

"Okay, so I shed some tears. That does not mean I went soft."

Remus wasn't done, however. "Jessie fell and hit her head when you were babysitting once. You took her to St Mungos for a small cut, which even you could have easily healed."

Sirius scowled at his best friend. "Better safe than sorry."

"And I don't think you're capable of telling Lily 'no' to anything."

"Yeah." James smirked. "Lily even got you to play tea party with her once."

Sirius blushed as everyone else laughed. "I highly doubt that." He scoffed.

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