The Next Generation

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Edward Remus Lupin (Teddy) 17 years old (1998)
Victoire Weasley 15 years old (2000)
Jessica Hope Lupin (Jessie) 13 years old (2002)
Reggie Black 13 years old (2002)
James Sirius Potter 11 years old (2004)
Rose Weasley 9 years old (2006)
Albus Arthur Potter 9 years old (2006) I didn't use Severus as a middle name because I honestly don't like it and I can't see Harry naming his kid after him, even if he did die on their side. Also, with Sirius alive, I really don't think Harry would have used the name. I also feel like someone on Ginny's side should be honored as well as on Harry's and Arthur is a great character.
Hugo Weasley 7 years old (2008)
Lily Luna Potter 7 (2008)

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