Canto Bight Casino

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"So, the First Order is only tracking us from one Destroyer, the lead one." Finn explained.

"So we blow that one up."

Y/n face palmed.

"I like where your head's at, but no. They'd only start tracking us from another Destroyer."

"But if we can-" Rose started, but Finn cut her off.

"But if we sneak on board the lead Destroyer and disable the tracker without them realising, then we can-"

"They won't realise that it's off for one system cycle." Rose said "About six minutes."

"Sneak on board. Disable the tracker. Our fleet escapes before they realise." Finn summarised.

Poe hummed in thought, and got up to think,

"How'd you two meet?" He asked, pointing to them both.

Finn looked to Rose...

"Just luck?" She said.

"Yeah? Good luck?" He asked, walking over to Leia.

"Not sure yet..."

"We gotta do this, Poe." Finn urged "It'll save the fleet, and it'll save Rey."

"What are you thinking?" Poe turned to Y/n.

"...I'm thinking that this can either go really well... of really bad." She replied honestly, and she put her hand on her Mothers "...But we've got to do what's right."

"If I must the be sole voice of reason," C-3PO came to life again "Admiral Holdo will never agree to this plan."

"Yeah, you're right, Threepio." He sighed "It's a need-to-know plan, and she doesn't."

"That wasn't exactly my-"

"Alright, you guys shut down that tracker, me and Y/n will be here to jump to lightspeed." Poe explained.

"But the next question is, how do we sneak the two of you onto Snoke's Destroyer?" Y/n asked, flicking some switches on a table, and an image of the huge ship came up.

"We'll steal clearance codes!" Rose suggested.

"No, they're bio-hexacrypt and re-scrambled every hour. We can't get through those security shields undetected. Nobody can." Finn said.

There was silence... but then Y/n got an idea.

"Unless someone could..." She said with a smile.

Finn and Poe looked at each other, knowing who she meant.

Y/n went over to the hologram projector, and pressed a few buttons and switches.

"Who's she calling?" Rose asked.

But before she got an answer, a dodgy hologram of Maz Kanata appeared.

"Maz? You there?" Y/n asked.

"Y/n? Do what do I owe the pleasure?" She asked, holding a gun firmly to her side.

"We need your help, we're being tracked by the First Order and we need to disable the shields on their lead ship." She explained.

"But you can't use clearance codes, and you want me to come and break them." Maz stated, and the three behind Y/n looked confused,

"How did you know?" Finn asked.

"Instinct." She replied.

"Well, can you do it?" Poe asked.

"Could I do it? Of course I can do it! But I can't do it, I'm a little tied down right now." She fired a blaster shot at something.

"Maz? What is happening?" Y/n asked.

You're My Light (Star Wars Fanfic: Poe Dameron x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now