Chapter 78: The Wick Will Always Need To Be Refilled

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Anubis was ready to bang his head into the nearest wall by the time the day ended. He had never written a to-do-list in his life and does things whenever he felt like it, completely not time-bound, no rules specifically, no method, no restrictions at all. Such was the life of a feral runaway king who hadn't stepped in his castle for a little over two years in total. But now he realized that if he was going to continue this routine, he wasn't going to make it. Like really couldn't make it. 

The week had been absolutely horrendous. The SC had started their initiative after Shao Long presented all the ideas to Alex and Gion. The plans were as detailed as all of Shao Long's other works, it made Anubis wonder if there was anything about the future that Shao Long didn't expect to happen, with how....intricate those plannings were. And because of that, the more serious and heavy solutions were conducted first. 

Which was to say, Shao Long had spent one whole day devoid of human interaction in the Academy, to start that mall project. The announcement had been informed to the students a few days prior and the whole Academy is bustling with excitement, which absolutely had nothing to do with Shao Long's and Alex's smart way of attraction their attention. As far as Anubis was concerned, each class was divided into two groups, and each group was required to form one shop. How their business is conducted is completely up to them. 

Anubis didn't know how exactly that was going to work out, but he trusted in Shao Long's capabilities. If there was anyone who could revive their treasury, it would be him. 

The training classes had started as well. Because each class actually had quite a number of students, not everyone was too absorbed with their business project, and hence allowed the rest of the students to participate in some of the classes. The price they set was honestly quite high, but it wasn't for nothing. The princes really were capable in handling those classes as the best among their peers in their respective areas. 

Leo had offhandedly mentioned that Charles had started much earlier on about his Chromebook project, and Gion, alongside Livio, had taken to themselves to do something about the island's tourism. 

Every single one of the Student Council was busy, especially Shao Long. It had nothing to do with Leo or Anubis at all. Or at least, not yet. There weren't anything about those plans that required either of them to be involved. 

No, what he and Leo was busy for was completely different from the SC members. 

They were, by Leo's words, begging. 

To which Shao Long brushed them off with an exasperated snort and said, "You're a drama queen." 

But Shao Long did not understand. He was practically made to be a superior, his status was never meant to be anything lower than a leader. He manages people like singing abc, but for Anubis? Hah. It was like singing abc backwards. In several different accents. 

Leading was one thing. 

That wasn't their current problem though. 

No, their current problem was making the students trust them enough to be a leader. Despite the whole process of being an SC didn't require voting, it might as well does, because Evan would evaluate their performance based on how well the students accepted them as their future leader. And to actually gain that trust? It was one of the most horrible things Anubis had had to do, that he couldn't make easier by using magic. 

Because honestly, what the fuck!

It was Shao Long who, generously, might Anubis add, arranged their to-do-list, vaguely and roughly. The list of things he had them do was, as Shao Long stated, a norm for one to be elected. Or something. But really, it was just a simplification of Evan's requests. 

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