Chapter 25: In All of His Life Before, He Lived In Denial

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This may be the last chapter published before we meet again during the end of semester 3 break, aka sometime around March? I think it's the end of February, and I sure hope so. 

Because this will be the last chapter for the month and the upcoming month (we will have another test as soon as we come back to school so....yeah), this will mostly be Shao Long's past written in general. 

Scenes regarding his childhood will be given from time to time as well, like the time Shao Long and Leo or Anubis first met etc.

So basically y'all are going to see kid Shao Long and possibly kid Anubis and kid Leo sometime later. Who knows when. 

In my theory, the three of them met on the same year, and some details I wrote in previous chapter states that it was four years ago, but let's uh change it to six years ago. 


Shao Long is a very sensitive person since he was born. When he was five years old, the woman who was taking care of him told him that he screamed non-stop for 5 hours straight in the middle of the night when he was one year old, because he couldn't find his baby pillow, which was replaced with another one while being washed. Then when he was three, he rebelled against potty training, which earned him a spanking, and yet he still rebelled. When he was four, he didn't like the shirt the woman gave him and immediately flushed it down the toilet — also a form of retaliation from potty training a year before. 

When he was five, specifically when the woman told him this, Shao Long had just finished plucking every flower she had grown on the windowsill and trashed with the flower pot. The woman hadn't realized her flowers have already said their goodbyes to the world at that time, so Shao Long just stared at her and smiled ear to ear. This was revenge for leaving him alone at home when she went out with her hubby and their other children. 

Apparently the woman was drunk, and all her other children were either too busy playing video games or having a fashion show in their rooms. Shao Long didn't have a room, and only slept on the couch, which was something everyone should be jealous of, because that means he gets to hog the TV.

 The father was still outside, and from what the mother had said, he was clubbing. Five year old Shao Long had no idea what clubbing was, and thought that it was the golf club he had seen somewhere in the store room (from where he often hid the things he used to prank others with). At that time, he thought why would a beer-bellied man play golf in the middle of the night, but adults are always so strange. 

So basically the woman felt lonely that day, and came to bother Shao Long who was happily hiding the petals he had plucked under the couch. Drunk and lonely was never the best combination, the woman immediately told Shao Long about how he was a child from a business family somewhere in China who told her to take care of him until the time comes for them to take him back. She told him everything, from how much money she got a month to wipe his shitty ass day and night and send him to the local kindergarten or whatever. 

Five years old Shao Long thought it was funny and went around the neighborhood the next few days saying he was the son of a secret agent who is fighting a dangerous mission, and that they hid him in America to protect him. Other children believed him and told their parents, who laughed. 

From then on, Shao Long took his newfound identity and took it very seriously, looking up about every Chinese culture he could find on the Internet (yes he knew how to use Google at that time) and practiced every single one of them, including the perfect smile that he thought was very secretive and very cool. 

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