Chapter 32: Eyes Impossibly Dark Like Those of A Blackhole

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A/N: To be honest, the draft I had for this fanfic is pretty much saved in my head, so when I had to stay at school for months, I forgot bits and pieces of the plot, which explains why there was supposed to be another scene that I forgot to write a few chapters back. Troubling you to bear with me.

So yeah, I'll just forward the scene for future chapters since it's not particularly a chronologically set scene.

Sorry for two days without updating, I was indulging myself in manhwa. Yeah.


6 years ago

Black eyes weren't a thing. He had told himself this, persistently, repeatedly, every single day since after his encounter with the boy. Naturally, there wasn't any pigmentation combination of human irises to ever form the color black, nor were there colors like pink and purple or red unless it's some kind of disease. But black, black eyes couldn't possibly be a real thing. Hell, black wasn't even a color in the first place.

"What was that about?" Anubis grimaced the longer he thought about the odd pair of eyes. One hand was brought to ruffle his bird's-nest of a hair, a grunt escaping his lips. The darkest shades of eyes belong to the people in Egypt, or anywhere near it, of course. Arabians have the darkest shades, with East and Southeast Asians in following. He as well had met with too many people in the world to confirm that there was no such thing as black irises.

So what the fuck was that about?

Xi Shao Long, he repeated the name in his mind like a mantra. Eyes of the darkest shade of brown Anubis had ever seen in his life, which says a lot because while he had lived years in a forest, he travelled to more places than an average adult would have ever.

Perhaps black irises shouldn't be this concerning to him, not at all. He knew that he may have to stumble upon people with unexplainable features throughout his travels, though he had least expected that eyes that dark could disturb him this much. He didn't think he would be this enamored, or at the very least, didn't think that he would even go as far as to bother finding out his identity.

Not to mention their very rude and very improper first impression.

The boy was running away from street mobs, much to his irritation. Oh no, he could care less if some brat managed to piss off teenagers that are twice his size and probably did drugs too. What he could care about was being dragged into the whole mess of a situation by said brat. The experience was far from pleasant, and maybe he himself almost scratched the brat's face off, but he didn't.

The story went on like this. He was breathing, walking on the streets, minding his own business when he thought he was run over by an invisible truck in the middle of an alleyway. The force of which he was rammed with could be compared to that of a rhino knocking you over, except this rhino was shorter than he was, and that he was, in fact, a humanling.

No kidding, he thought he almost broke his ribs, but the kid clearly had a different idea. Before Anubis could even decide how he should murder this piece of shit, he was forcefully pulled to stand up, and now he was dragged into the nearest trash can and was ultimately dumped inside with an indescribable force of strength. A thud nearby told him that the piece of shit had also jumped in with him, and before he could even fix his balance, a pile of trash was dumped onto him from above, simultaneously hiding him from view.

One hand suddenly clasped his mouth shut, though that person didn't need to do that to make him shut up. Anubis was naturally a silent kid back then, and he could most definitely slaughter this brat without a single noise being made, but he didn't, again, because this brat was holding him still. He was certain that the kid was smaller than him, but boy was he strong. Not that he couldn't break off his arms, he was actually going to if it weren't for the fact that they were in a trash can, and was trying to escape.

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