"Hi, do you have boyfriend?" Chudo asked Arisu

"I have boyfriend. Boogie who talking with you, is my boyfriend," Arisu said.

Chudo nodded available understandable. He knows Boogie is good guy. The Elf boy go to inside and continuing talking with Lord Kamijo. Marusou is reliefs because Chudo doesn't asking her status as Zyean's new lover. Mayu is sweeping ground of graveyard after sunbathing wet clothes.

"Dammit, I was shocked," Mayu said

"What?" Marusou asked

"I found dead frog," Mayu said.

Marusou shows flat face and bringing cut blocked woods with Arisu. Mayu goes to inside because she forgot making dessert at the day.

"Sorry guys, today I forgot to make dessert," Mayu said with innocent grin

Marusou just smiled and shake her head. Arisu back smiled to the girl.

** *

"They are agreed as our new alliance," Kamijo said

"It's very good. They are also invited in the gala party event as special guest," Hizaki said.

Mayu finished baking crepes but not Parisien. Sweet crepes with ice cream and berries at 03.00 pm. Sena making new tea recipe.

"What a kind of tea do you make today, Sena? Mayu asked.

"I forgot" Sena said with grinned

Mayu rolled her eyes. Feel little annoyed. Eloise seeing many crepes there and takes one.

"So yummy" Eloise said.

Arisu so worried about Boogie because he is with sweated, Boogie wakeup from nap. And gathering in second living room.

"Prisoners on the basement got punishment and interrogation,' Hizaki said

"And why I feel there are traitors between us," Boogie said.

Arisu sees her boyfriend with worry look. She asks Boogie back to the rest. Boogie obeyed and back to the room. Anxiety attacked the couple. Arisu also feels disdain.

"You seems troubled," Eloise said

"Oh, I remember something," Arisu said.

Eloise giggled seeing Arisu's face become red. The girl feel shame because of something. -How so cute.

"So? What was wrong?' Eloise said

"Boogie.. He stared at me seductively, he said he most love me," Arisu said.

"He doesn't want tolose you. He really loves you," Eloise said

Yep, Arisu's real character is shy. Honestly she is shy girl. If she got mesmerized, her face will turns red.

"The investigation starting next week," Teru said

"Next week? " Arisu said.


Arisu shocked because she heard grunts of pain. Boogie is wake up and he near fall from the bed. She wants to help him. Boogie didn't have a bath. He just wiped with half hot water and small hand towel. Arisu wants to cry seeing wounds on her boyfriend's body. She hold her tears even if her eyes feels hot.

" I can see pain on your eyes," Arisu said.

"Sorry," Boogie said.

Arisu shook her head and finished wiping her boyfriend. A moments later, Hitomi comes to check and changed the bandages.

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