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Author's Note: Sorry for late update and I will update soon as possible, happy reading

Recommended  song to read this stories:

- Zubi, Anatu, Andrew Force- Before

- JILUKA Songs

- Kamijo Songs

-  D Songs

- Evanesce  Songs

- Hyde- Shining Over You

- Hyde - The Cape of Storms

- Hyde- Secret Letters

- Hyde- Fake Divine

- Hyde- Who Save Us?

- Hyde- Secret Letters

-Hyde- Nostalgic

- Brunuh Ville Fantasy theme 

- Peter Grundy Fantasy Theme 

Warning: Gore, strange language, mature theme, bisexuality,  dead characters and many typos



The order food arrived at 01.00 pm. They ordered 180 sushi. Boogie tells his dream last night.

"I had dream about Elf. They are wants to help us against villain," Boogie said

"Elves?" Arisu said.

"Yes. Such a strange dream. Elves can be defeats evil monster and they as our new alliance. I saw the Elf young man interacted with me he has silver short hair," Boogie said.

And the special guests at the day are coming. Elves tribes. Like as Boogie's dream. Boogie's mouth open-widely. He looks surprised.

"This isn't dream," Boogie said

"Wait? What do you mean?" Asked the young man with silver short hair

"I saw you in my dream. My name is Edward, I'm crown prince of Vampire, just call me Boogie. Don't worry, we are good vampires," Boogie said.

"I see. We are come because of King Kamijo's letter. My name is Chudo," Chudo said.

"Your name is so unique," Boogie said.

Chudo laughed and he left them. Boogie little scratching his cheek. Arisu smiled to her boyfriend and feeding him about sushi. And he opened his mouth. Vice versa. Zyean helps Marusou bringing block of woods and they eating sushi together. Zyean tries to reveals his feelings to Marusou.

"We are lover now, and Hitomi likes me. She is very nice," Marusou said.

"She is so lovely. I keep my promise to my parents for care and protect her," Zyean said.

"You're good brother," Marusou said.

Zyean just smile and he seeing Hitomi checking Hinako and Boogie's wound. Hinako still feel difficult about walk

"Sorry, I bothering," Hinako said

"It's okay, it's your sushi plater," Marusou said.

Hinako gulped and thanked her. The girl walks slowly and sits on right corner and she enjoys the sushi. Hinako eats with red cheeks because she remembers something. Lord Kamijo secret in love with her.


Hinako taking a nap after lunch also Boogie. Arisu isn't take a nap. Mayu, Marusou and Arisu are in backyard. Mayu checking wet clothes and sunbathing new washing clothes. Arisu helps Marusou who cutting woods. After cutting woods, Marusou and Arisu

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