19. Untangled hair

Start from the beginning

As Tonuk turned around, he saw the bag from before, which he took something out of

It was a jar shaped container, which when opened, released the smell of one of the foods that Tonuk and Ri fed him, it was of the orange vine and smelled sweet, though thankfully it wasn't very strong.

Tonuk put his fingers into the jar, taking out a chunk of goo, which it then moved over to his head, to Sean's slight confusion and a bit of disgust.

He figured he didn't really have a choice other than to accept it and mentally and physically prepared for the goo.

It felt as gross as it looked, especially with Tonuk spreading it all over his head, but he quickly noticed that it was only going on his hair and scalp.

He felt weirded out by Tonuk, who started lightly pulling his hair through, what he assumed was its claws, noticing that his hair weirdly wasn't getting stuck at all.

He felt as some goo drip off onto his face, so he wiped it off, noticing that when he touched it, it had made his face bassically frictionless.

He realized that maybe it was meant to fix his hair and so, he pushed Tonuk's hand away and started fixing his hair himself.

It was a very weird feeling, both from the goo itself and the lack of friction.

He continued detangling his hair for a while, but eventually he didn't feel the goo anymore, instead having it be replaced by some squishy clumps that fell off his hair easily.

Tonuk then made a couple clicks, which got Sean's attention, to Tonuk's clear happiness/appreciation.

It then started showing him a comb, it was wooden and like everything, absolutely massive, though this size was mostly in the handle, as the teeth of the comb itself were fairly normal size and width.

Tonuk then ran it through his hair and then showed it to him, having a ton of those clumps on it, then chucking them to one side of the room.

It then repeated this for a while, Sean tried taking the comb from Tonuk, but after trying to use it for a while, the massive handle got too in the way, fitting Tonuk better.

Finally, Tonuk was done and so, Sean had untangled and clean hair, feeling fresh again.

He continued talking with Tonuk as it opened the door, with the new plan of just talking until they finally realize that he can speak.

He followed Tonuk out of the room, then going back to the room with the couch, where Tonuk sat besides Ri.

He got pretty annoyed as Tonuk and Ri started chatting, clearly ignoring him, so he climbed up and tried to get their attention.

They continued talking, not even looking at him for a while, before then pulling him closer to themselves.

Ri leaned forwards and started sniffing him, to which Sean felt very weirded out by and froze up, but at least it was over quickly.

Tonuk then continued talking and then got up, going back to the white room and coming back with the bag from before.

Tonuk took out more stuff out of the bag, some clothes, the comb and 2 of the goo containers, then some balls and what he assumed was more toys.

Tonuk started showing off one of the balls to him, to which Sean gave him a "Seriously?" face.

Tonuk then squished the ball and set it down on the floor, where it started moving around on its own in random patterns.

He looked at the ball for a bit and then back at Tonuk, giving him a slightly dissapointed look from it treating him like this.

Sure, he was bored, like always, but he wasn't going to be playing around like an animal.

He continued talking to them for a while and Ri leaned forwards to smell him again, which made Sean freeze up, annoyed at the interruption.

Clearly this wasn't working, so he sighed and climbed down from the couch, deciding to go look around the place for anything else interesting to do.

He soon found a new room to explore, it had a window, two tables, each in one wall and with a chair, though one had what looked to be steps next to it.

He looked around and saw a bookshelf, with a ton of random metal objects he couldn't even guess what they were supposed to be.

He noticed Tonuk following behind, coming back to stare at him again, though he was starting to get used to it and to ignore it.

He climbed the chair with steps, bassically having to jump and reached the top, then having to stand up on the table.

It was actually a desk, with another one of the rectangles Ri had, along with what looked to be massive papers and an ink well, though there wasn't anything that looked like a pen or pencil.

Still, he could finally write!

He quickly grabbed a piece of paper and then realized that, he couldn't really write without his dominant hand.

He got sad at having to remember his lack of a limb, along with the reason, but he managed to suppress the feeling, focusing on trying to write.

He dipped his finger in the ink and tried writing to the best of his ability, though the lack of lines had him make sentences dropping off at the end and VERY bad handwriting.

He was dissapointed at the results andsaw as Tonuk got closer to him and grabbed the paper, making a ton of repeated noises.

He knew, guaranteed, that they wouldn't know that that was supposed to be writing, but at least he knew that Tonuk could laugh, or something like that, which was interesting at least.

Tonuk pulled the chair and sat down, then grabbing a paper and dipping its claw in the ink and making sharp lines along the paper.

Tonuk eventually filled the top half of the paper with random lines and dots and the bottom half with what looked to be squares, in which there was more random lines and dots inside, but much more compact.

Tonuk started pointing to the lines and dots and making noises, bassically, it was teaching him its language, or what he assumed to be an alphabet.

Tonuk then pointed down to the squares with clusters of lines, then making words.

It repeated some words he knew, but mostly gibberish to him.

He sighed in defeat, seeing that the only real way to learn the language would be by either getting spoonfed the words, like Tonuk was doing before, and to do like with Oluntek, aka, guessing and hoping for the best.

He looked back at Tonuk, who had stopped talking, wondering how in the world it didn't understand he could talk.

For now, he was going to have to practice how to write again.

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