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TW: Contains death and mentions of blood and wounds.

Jimmy texted Katherine. 'I know you probably have stuff with your empire, but could you come to Rivendell please?'

'Sure. I've left House Blossom. I'll be there soon!' She responded.

Jimmy stood up and looked over at the magenta haired elf. Who was this? Were they Scott's killer? The cod boy asked silently. He walked over to the unknown person. This elf couldn't have been much older than Scott. As the Cod Father got closer to the elf he could see a bloody gash in his abdomen. In almost the same place as the sword in Scott's gut.

The cob glanced back at his boyfriend. Him and the magenta haired elf looked very similar. They had the same face shape, same nose, same body structure. It was strange to say the least.

But Scott had never said anything about family. Well he had, but they'd all been killed by Xornoth when he burned Rivendell. The only family Scott had had was Xornoth himself. And this handsome elf was not the fearsome demon who'd terrorized the world.

It was perplexing to say the least. But before the Cod Father could put too much thought into it, he heard the sounds of wings and looked up to see Katherine flying in.

"Down here" Jimmy called. Katherine Elizabeth turned in the sky and flew towards the cod.

"What's going on Jim?" She asked.

"It's Scott. he-" Jimmy broke off in a new wave of sobs. Katherine ran over and gathered Jimmy into her arms.

"What happened?" Katherine asked softly.

"He-He's gone." The cod sobbed. The realization of what had happened was just now sinking in.

"What do you mean he's gone?"

Jimmy, still sobbing into Katherine's shoulder, gestured behind him to the bloodied corpses.

The short fairy sucked in a breath "Oh gods no." She mutters. "Is that-?"

"S-S-Scott a-and S-Someone e-else" The cod sobbed

"Are.... Are they dead?" She knew the answer, but she wanted to hear it from Jimmy.

The cod man couldn't answer through the wave of new sobs that escaped his throat. That in it of itself confirmed Katherine's question.

 I should probably stop writing books in class instead of doing my work, but that wont stop me..... Um.....

Stay safe. Drink water. Eat food. Get some sleep. Make the best of this world we live in.

-Some author, Jade

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 10, 2023 ⏰

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