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TW: Contains death.

"Scott... Scott!!" Jimmy yelled as he ran to his lover. "Scott!" It was clear the elf was dead. But Jimmy didn't care. He would always run to Scott. He'd stay with Scott forever.

"Scott please! PLeas be okay!" The cod father sobbed. "Scott please!" Jimmy laid Scott's head on his lap. "Scott please. You're okay. You're okay. You're going to be okay."

The cod boy took the elf's hand in his own, trying to find a pulse.

There was nothing. Not even a flutter of heart beat. Jimmy let out a sob as he moved his hand to Scott's chest. Still nothing.

"Scott please" Tears streamed down Jimmy's face. "Please" he repeated. "You'll be okay. I'll get Katherine, or Gem and they'll help you. You can just leave me. Please Scott don't be dead."

No matter how much he begged, Scott would never wake up. And Jimmy knew this in his heart. It was the worst feeling Jimmy had ever felt. He needed to be comforted. He needed his sister. But Jimmy couldn't just leave his boyfriend here.

Jimmy pulled out his communicator. He didn't know what else to do. He opened Lizzie's contact and texted her eight words. 'I need help. Come to Rivendell please.' He texted.

Short again I know. But I've decided to do more sort chapters instead of fewer long chapters. Because if the chapters are short, I can post a lest one a day.

My day's been okay. Hope your day has been good!

Stay safe. Drink water. Eat food. Get some sleep. Make the best of this world we live in.

-Random author, Jade

Wilting PoppiesOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora