Colton looked over, leaning back in his chair and putting down his pencil. "Great, let's go eat. I'm starving."

I looked at him like he had three heads. "Why?" I said bluntly.

He laughed. "You're so pleasant to be around, has anyone ever told you that? C'mon, I'll drive."

With that, he threw his things in his bag, stood up, and began walking out the door. I sat like an idiot for a few seconds before scrambling to follow him out the door. Goddamn hormones.


The car ride had only been moderately awkward, with Colton doing most of the talking while I added in short replies where necessary. I learned that he was originally from Chicago, and transferred here from the University of Minnesota. Apparently, the hockey program here was better and gave him more options for going pro.

I had kinda always made fun of college and high school athletes who were dead set on going pro without understanding how slim those odds are, but the way Colton described it, I had no doubt that he would. His love and dedication to the sport was so apparent. Even though I knew very little about hockey, the way he talked about it made me want to learn. Get a grip Jo. Good grief.

We ended up going to a small diner just outside campus that was open 24/7. When we walked in, there were barely any other patrons, with the exception of a group of frat guys and a handful of couples.

The hostess led us to a booth on the side, and I couldn't help but notice how she stared at Colton. I get it girl.

"Alright, you've gotta give me something," Colton said once we were situated in our seats.

"What do you mean?" I asked, looking through the menu to avoid eye contact.

"I mean," he started, leaning in, "that I spent the whole car ride talking about me. Even though we all love that topic, it's your turn. Tell me about you."

I shrugged. "There's not much to know. I'm from Rhode Island, lived there my whole life. I have a younger brother and sister, a dog at home. And I came to Eden because it was close enough to home and not too expensive. That's about it."

Colton gently pulled the menu down so it no longer covered my face. "C'mon, tell me the good stuff," he said grinning. "Craziest place you've ever had sex."

I groaned, immediately bringing the menu back up to hide my blush. I could hear him chuckle. I opened my mouth to respond, but the waiter had come over, cutting me off.

"Hello, my name's Ben and I'll be your waiter tonight," he said. "Can I get you guys started with something to drink?"

Colton ordered a coke while I stuck with water. The waiter turned to leave, and Colton leaned forward with an evil grin. "He was checking you out, hot stuff."

I rolled my eyes. "Please, he was not," I denied.

Colton shook his head. "He was. Trust."

I averted my eyes back down to the menu. "Well it was nothing compared to the hostess," I mumbled.

I could practically feel Colton's smile grow. "Is someone a little jealous?" he chuckled.

I crumpled up a napkin and threw it at him. "Shut up," I protested.

We went on arguing playfully as our drinks, and eventually our food, came.

"So you never answered my question," Colton teased. "Craziest place. Go."

I rolled my eyes. "You really wanna know?"

Colton shook his head eagerly.

"Alright, once in high school, my ex and I did it in the women's locker room after my soccer practice ran late," I admitted. Colton let out a wolf whistle, his eyes wide with shock and amusement.

"SHHH" I begged.

"Josephine Hayes, you're a freak!" Colton exclaimed. "Who knew under all that bitchy exterior there was a sex fiend!"

"Oh my God," I muttered, hiding my head in my hands. "Forget it, I shouldn't have told you."

"No no, I'm sorry," Colton said, pulling my hands away. "I take back the bitch part. But everything else is true."

I pulled my hand out of his to slap his arm. "Alright, you're turn."

Colton began stroking his chin, thinking deep. "Hot tub."

"That's not even that bad," I argued. "Sooo many people do it in a hot tub."

"But do many people do it in their professor's hot tub? With their professor?"

My jaw dropped. Colton laughed at my expression. "You're an animal," I hissed.

Colton winked. "You know it, baby."


After dinner, Colton gave me a ride back to my apartment. He sang an awful rendition of "SexyBack," which had me practically cackling in the passenger seat. By the time we got to mine, it was nearing midnight. Usually I'd be exhausted by this point, but for some reason I didn't want the night to end.

"This is me," I said as Colton pulled in front of my building. He parked, turned off the car, and jumped out of the car within a matter of seconds. Before I could protest, he had opened the car door for me.

"M'lady," he swooned, gesturing his hand to guide me out of the car. I blushed.

"You didn't have to do that," I said softly. I starred at the gravel below me to avoid eye contact, hoping he wouldn't see my bright red face.

"Figured it was time I made up for that other door incident," he shrugged. "I do feel sorry about that, by the way. Not sure if I ever properly apologized."

I smiled, daring to glance up at him. His eyes were sparkling, his plump lips pressed into a small, genuine smile. His expression was so caring, something I wasn't used to from guys.

"Thank you," I whispered, my breath catching in my throat. I could feel my palms start to sweat as we stood there, our faces inches apart. We were so close, I could see a small spread of freckles across his nose, the different shades of gold and brown in his eyes. I could see him pull his lower lip in, as if studying my face. I could see every breath he took, and it felt like he was stealing my air every time. I could see everything. I had never seen a human so open before.

Colton leaned in slightly, reaching a hand to brush my hair away from my face and finally resting it on my back. His lips grazed my ear as he leaned down further, sending a shiver down my spine.

"Goodnight, Jo," he murmured.

With that, he pulled away and got back in his car. I stood there, stunned. It wasn't until he revved his engine that I realized I must look like an idiot, standing on the sidewalk staring into space.

I spun around and sprinted inside, slamming the door behind me. I ran up the stairs to our apartment, fumbling with the keys on my way up. Once I finally got in, I stood against the door, trying to catch my breath. Luckily, it didn't seem that anyone was still awake.

After collecting myself, I made my way to my room to change and get ready for bed. I tried everything to think of something other than Colton, but my mind kept wandering back to him. His eyes, his scent, his humor. I knew he was a player, but damn was he good at it.

What was this boy doing to me?

A/N: I'm so torn between writing a slow burn and having them fuck already.

Baby Stepsحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن